34 incredibly beautiful reasons to visit Iran #2

in travel •  8 years ago 

 34 incredibly beautiful reasons to visit Iran


Niavaran Palace, Tehran – In  the decade before the Islamic revolution, this palace served as a  residential home for the shah's family and was where they met foreign  guests.

Palace of Ardashir, south of Shiraz – Third-century Persian ruler Ardashir I -- the founder of Iran's Sassanid Empire -- built this palace for himself.


Royal Palace of Cyrus, Pasargadae – "This  is a very important monument, as it is relates to one of the most  famous Persian emperors," says Ganji. "The Milky Way is only visible on  certain summer evenings where the sky is clear and there's no moon." 


Tomb of Cyrus the Great, Pasargadae – This  tomb consists of a chamber with sloping roof built on seven stone  tiers. In 336 BC, when Alexander the Great invaded Persia, Pasargadae  was destroyed and the entire treasury of the palaces and tomb of Cyrus  were looted.


Persepolis (Takht-e Jamshid), northeast of Shiraz – "I've  always loved this historic complex because it's a reminder of one of  the greatest empires of Iran and is part of our historic identity," says  Ganji.


Shah Mosque (Imam Mosque), Isfahan – "The  ceiling of this place is like none other," says Ganji. "One of the most  exquisite works of architecture, it's hard to look away."


Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan – A highlight of Isfahan's Naqsh-e Jahan Square, this was built during the reign of Shah Abbas I.


Sheikh Safi al-Din Khanegah and Shrine Ensemble, Ardabil – Another Safavid treasure, this place gained fame through a shrine built to Shah Ismail I's ancestor Sheikh Safi al-Din. 


33 pol (Si-o-se Pol, Bridge of 33 Spans) or Allahverdi Khan Bridge, Isfahan – This majestic structure, built under Shah Abbas I, takes its name from the archways which stretch across the water.


Sultan Amir Ahmad Bath, Kashan – "To  photograph this bath I went there several times and sat on its couches  for hours," says Ganji. "I tried to choose a time when artificial lights  were off and the only source of illumination was the light from holes  in the ceiling."


St. Thaddeus Monastery, near Maku – "Because  of its importance for non-Muslims in Iran, I've always wanted to take a  photograph worthy of this building's status to add to my collection of  my historical places in Iran," says Ganji.

 Tabatabaei House, Kashan – Built  for a famous Kashan merchant during the Qajar dynasty era, this house  has several sections decorated with different types of art and  architectural features, such as stucco and stained glass. 


Timcheh, Kashan – "All  around there are shops selling rugs and historical artefacts, but the  most amazing view here is this ceiling," says Ganji. "Under the ceiling  there's a big pond, which I had to stand in to take this photo directly  under the ceiling's center."


Tomb of Hafez, Shiraz –   "Contrary to appearances in this picture, this place is always very  busy, particularly in the late afternoons and evenings. It's a popular  site, with poets and poetry enthusiasts, groups of friends and young  couples all coming together to recite Hafez's romantic poems."


Vakil Bath, Shiraz – "The  amazing symmetry of the architecture and its limestone embellishments  make this bath one of a kind," says Ganji. "To capture this stretched  panorama, I needed permits to allow me to stand in the middle of the  deep bath."


Vakil Mosque, Shiraz – "I  like this mosque because of the many pillars used inside," says Ganji.  "As you enter, the repetition of these pillars makes the place grand and  beautiful, and gives the impression of many separate spaces. In my  photo I've tried to show this repetition in the best way."


Vank Cathedral, Isafan – "I  was amazed by the golden color of the ceiling and the unique paintings  all around," says Ganji. "I put my camera on the floor and tilted it  upwards using a wide lens to capture this photo."


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Middle Eastern countries have so much history, culture, and beauty. Once the US Dollar Empire collapses the west will FINALLY stop attacking these places. A HUGE tourist boom is coming when this happens.