11+ Reasons To Leave Home

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

Are you ready to leave home? If you've ever dreamed of living overseas, this article is for you.

More Free Speech

There's a reason why people like Assange and Snowden sought asylum in specific countries. While some countries are quick to pride themselves on freedom of speech, as we can see in the Press Freedom Index, some countries are better than others to be in for the world's next top dissident, journalist, whistleblower, etc. Fun Fact: In the USA, money is free speech.

Less Corruption

It’s best to live in an environment where the leaders are aligned with honesty, integrity, and justice. A lack of faith in politicians causes cynicism/jadedness/pessimism. Additionally, when corruption is common, the mindset and effects trickle down from the top to the people. If it's socially acceptable for "successful leaders" to exploit their own citizens beings for personal gain, what’s to stop normal people from exploiting fellow humans? 

Cheaper Education

Why incur massive amounts of debt for a higher education when it’s possible to receive an education at a much lower cost? Countries with free education tend to have extremely reasonable tuition rates for international students, if any. In countries like Austria, tuition for international students at the Vienna University of Economics and Business is less than $1000 per semester (for a master's program).

Higher Wages

For people who feel grossly underpaid for the amount of work they do, moving abroad can enable them  to earn more money for doing the same amount of work. Alternatively, instead of incurring more debt for an additional degree (for the sake of earning more money), consider moving abroad to a country with better wages. For example, high school kids in Australia are earning more money than adults with degrees of other countries.

More Vacations

Similar to how some countries are more generous with their starting wages, other countries are also generous with the guaranteed amount of vacation for its citizens. For people who constantly feel like they’re in need of a vacation but find themselves struggling for the time/money for one, choose a country with higher amounts of total paid leave.

Higher Livability

For middle class workers who bust their asses off, it makes sense to maximize quality of life with luxuries such as public transportation, efficient infrastructure, reasonable cost of living, bikeability, walkability, low commute time, low crime, etc. Why pay a lot of money to live in a place that is expensive, unsafe, or enjoyable only for the high earners? Also, relocating abroad may not only decrease the probability of death by gunshot, but may increase longevity as well.

Do It For The Kids

In addition to countries that are generous with wages and time off, it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn about countries that are generous with the amount of parental leave provided for new parents. Societies are better off when children are born-and-raised in a supportive environment. Unfortunately, many parents are busy chasing The Almighty Dollar while their children are being raised by televisions, videogames, and the Internet (after school shootings).

Income Equality

Mantras such as "Sleep your way to the top", "Give head to get ahead", and “Money is God” are common in countries sustained by a Pyramid Success Model. Consider moving to a country with higher income equality with less wealth distributed to The Power Elite, Top 1℅, Illuminati, etc. Imagine if all countries were committed to alleviating poverty instead of allowing their citizens to fall through the cracks or stay at the bottom of The Pyramid.

Better Life / Social Progress

While some cultures are at a stage where many people are exploiting/killing each other, other cultures are at a stage where creativity and innovation are occurring at a higher level. As more people’s needs are able to be met, more people are able to attain self-actualization. Simply put, a better life allows for more progress

Freedom / Democracy

For those who feel like they live in “The Land of the Greed” or “The Home of the Enslaved”, moving abroad can be liberating. Experiencing more economic freedom in a country with more democracy is like being as free as a bird.  It truly is a life hack to experience more free speech, less corruption, cheaper education, higher wages, a better life, etc. by simply changing The Matrix we exist in.

Happiness / Peace

Some people work 100+ hours per week for a questionable quality of life in New York City to pursue “happiness.” Others simply move abroad to increase their happiness. Some people join the military and profit from war, while others move to a country without a military, such as Costa Rica, and live in peace. Whether people decide to stay as they are or move abroad, one thing that humans have in common across the globe is the desire to be happy. May we all be happy, may we all be peaceful, and may we all be liberated!

Photos taken by Mystic Expat in Florida, Montenegro, Puerto Rico, Cyprus, and Costa Rica.

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