Nomad Diaries #3: Why do I travel

in travel •  7 years ago 

A few days ago, a photo of mine was featured on a travel account and I was asked to share why I travel.

I gave it some thought and though not surprised, there is so much more to my reason than what could meet the eye just by viewing the content I create with my travels. Here is how I answered the simple question of: Why do you travel?

“I travel because I want to grow myself. By traveling, I learn to understand myself better and therefore our world. I believe understanding leads to loving, so if I can practice that towards myself, I can do the same to and for my surroundings. I was quite reckless when I was younger because I was confused and frustrated that I had no sense of identity or clarity of my vision and my future, which lead me to testing every limit possible, including myself. Fast-forward to today as a grown woman, I have never felt more like my true authentic self, which is more nourishing and tranquil than I could have imagined. I know that this personal growth is a constant progress and that we never stop evolving, which is why I continue to live this lifestyle (and because it's exciting as heck, of course!). Once I realized the depth that was beneath my desire and curiosity to experience new cultures and places of the earth, I understood that it was all coming back to myself. That point was when I began to create all the content I now share on the internet, because it meant too much to me not to share it with others. Traveling makes me a better person.”⠀

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