in travel •  8 years ago 

What in the world?

That was my first though when I saw all of the stacked rock piles on the shore of Lake Michigan. Since I had no idea that they were there, they surprised me and caught me off guard. All along the shoreline rock pile after rock pile was stacked, some even being taller than me.

As if Cave Point County Park wasn't interesting enough, now it had a shoreline full of little rock towers. If you saw my intial post about my trip to the park, then you may have already seen this video that I shot while I was there.



I thought that this would be a rare opportunity to take some once in a lifetime photos too, so I shot about 200 photos. Here are some of the ones that I liked best.


After a while @grandpa-pepper and some of the @little-peppers even got in on the fun. They had to be careful, of course, because falling rocks can be dangerous, but they had fun and made memories!


Personally, this was the first time that I ever remember seeing anything like this in my entire life. Has anyone out there ever came across anything similar? If you are ever up in Door County, Wisconsin, I would recommend checking this place out. I think that it would make for some amazing sunrise photos too, but I'm not sure if I can get out there that early.

Even if I cannot, I am still thinking about heading back and checking it out again.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Wow this looks awesome. We also have some beaches here in Mallorca with that kind of sculptures , but not as many ! Love it !
Enjoy your day and greetings from Mallorca :)

thx for sharing

So cool, brother! I believe those stacked rocks are called cairns (something like that). I love the mystery that opens in my mind when i see them: Who made them? How and why? What in the world? :) lol

who made the rock tower? they must have a good rock balancing hand. : )
Nad little-pepper counted as he made one. : )

Being from Indiana, I have heard about this spot before. However, I would really like to know some history behind the rock piling. I'm assuming this has to be man made, but I am curious why this started? Is there any historical signifcance behind the rock stacking or is just for sheer fun? Fantastic photos as usual. Being from the Midwest, but living in SE Asia, your posts are quite nostalgic for me. Thanks!

I know of several events recorded in the Bible where people stacked rocks as a way to remember an event, but how this started on this particular beach, I have no idea.

There was a really interesting video on one of the major TV stations last year that Ben's dad recorded just to show us about a man who had made almost a sport out of rock piling. It was after that I noticed there were rock piles starting to be made at our local beach (well, we don't really have sand beaches...our local rock collection along the lake is more accurate!). I wish I could remember which station and what show was featuring the man, but what sticks in my head is that it was a Sunday morning show and I'm almost sure it was on CBS. I should ask him if he remembers it when I next see him.

Thanks for the input. Super interesting. I will do some research on this particular spot and see what I can dig up. Now, Im curious ha!

If you do find out, you could even make a #til (today I learned) post and use some of my photos from the spot if you want. (This is steemit, so you might as well turn your research into a post.)

good idea man. I will most certianly do so. Great tip, and thanks for the kind gesture. I will tag you in the post once its up. Have a good one!

Wow, that is amazing!! I wonder how this all got started. Thanks for sharing, really cool.

Me too. Very interesting stuff!

Hi @papa-pepper

That's a lot of rock-stacking patience and time invested there!

I've seen these on the Balearic islands of Mallorca and Tenerife, but I suspect the fun takes place globally :)

Thanks for sharing!

Interesting, I have never even heard of such islands.

The largest are more commonly known as:

Nice post @papa-pepper

Thanks @dianclasher!

cool pics as usual
back in the "old days" these piles of stones or Cairns used to be for marking trails or landmarks

and then some people took it up and started doing it everywhere and it became a "trendy" thing to do,
Its kinda leaving a mark without destroying nature (graffiti with rocks)

Right, I like making things in the wild look more interesting without destroying them.

buddhists do this on top of mountains in Japan, not as high but same stacked rocks

As I startesd to read with big difficulty, But I enjoyed your pics and video..
Thanks also for great support..
I hope you can visit my last post about My journey through trigemanal neuralgia..

I will check it out. Was the site that @me-tarzan linked any help?

No ..
I watched it just half hour ago..Nothing new for me..
Thanks for support

Okay, I was hopeful....

Thanks for nice words
Here is bad news
I understood MDV is needed
But MVD is not for everyone..
Because I am allergic to all sort of meds and I do have allergy to anesthesia..

I've really never seen something so amazing like this! The one who started this must be really a great artist or someone really very creative!
And the best part is that now this will go on and on!

Very unusual rocks indeed. I have never seen any like that. And even better that there are so many. I wonder how long they have been like that or how they got stacked like that and why. Sounds like you are having an amazing trip. Keep having fun. Safe travels.

Absolutely beautiful seems like something out of a disney movie, nothing beats viewing nature

Amazing @papa-pepper.. Thankyou for sharing

I am so curious as to why and how those rock piles came to be. They are definitely man made. The photos are stunningly beautiful. I can imagine myself sitting there at sunset...

Very good post, WOOOW are amazing those towers, thanks for sharing !!

These are so amazing. Loved it 😍😍😍😍

so wonderfull....greeting from aceh, There is a beautiful thing in my post, you will not regret opening it, you will surely enjoy its natural beauty, please please at upvote..thanks ... god bless u

Mrasne fotky,kamenného mesta

There are some small rock towers being built at our local park along the shores of Lake Saint Clair - I've been tempted to join in because there are just so many nice flat rocks and it looks like fun. Maybe next time we go for a walk I'll have to have the kids help me and we'll take some pictures of what other people have built. There are so many spiders down there that I've always been a little concerned about moving the rocks around, but that's nothing a good pair of garden gloves couldn't fix.

Awesome man. I remember my "Scout Times" :) Great to be here in your post, a great week for you.

Nice find! About 15 years ago I was hiking just outside of Chautauqua, NY with some friends and came upon some incredible stacked rocks, though these were like works of fine art - seemingly impossible arrangements of nearly boulder-weight monstrosities! Unfortunately I have no photos to share, but man, what a sight!


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A great post with a picture that attracts special attention. Can i get acquainted with you @papa-pepper?

holy cow! whhaaaat!
I met a guy who did this for one once here where i live ... in the mountain jungles of south india.. I found 2 really tall amazing stone balancing miracles and really wondered who was doing it.. Then one day i found him making another one..

people do all sorts of things! .. nice discovery!

Oh and by the way the first line has a small typo:

That was my first though when I saw all of the stacked rock pile

Do u know how they got there, or is it just a thing that happens!?

Good voice

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment