Trip to Ukraine: Flying swing attraction in Zaporozhye, park "Dubovaya Roscha"

in travel •  6 years ago 

Flying swing attraction in Zaporozhye, park "Dubovaya Roscha" in Ukraine.
Central Park of Culture and Recreation "Dubovaya Roscha" (Ukrainian - "Duboviy gai". Translate to EN - "Oaks Grove") - a park in the Alexandrovsky district of Zaporozhye. The park was founded on May 1, 1959. In the park except for oaks there is a different flora. The total area of ​​the park is 57 hectares (570,000 square metres), of which five hectares are a natural reserve fund. Every year new trees and flowers are planted in the park. There are new attractions and animals. Old attractions since the 60-ies of the last century. Strangely enough, they still function and people are not afraid to climb on them with their children, even pay money for it.

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