Making my way to Colorado

in travel •  7 years ago 

Braved the cascade locks with the fixem-up Moter Home. I am moving from Oregon to Colorado. If the RV makes this journey it might get a name, lol.
Gosh the wind kept pushing the Moter Home several feet into the shoulder!
If it couldn't have gotten more scary.......
The 20mph winds almost stripped of the awning on the Moter Home! Nothing zip tighs, duct tape and bundgies couldn't fix. But having begun the journey at 3am I had to wait at Multnomah Falls for the sun to come up to do the repairs.C9CCD85D-4D5E-40B3-8773-E4E3DF48A010.jpeg

Stayed the night in Idaho for the first time. I was amazed to feel the expansiveness of such flat land. How easy it is to see the vast sky.
Utah here I come!

Goodbye Oregon

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