Community question - recommend a destination?

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)


Avoiding the bleak English Winter and travelling somewhere warm in January and February 2018.

I get the Winter blues every year and always yearn to take off somewhere warm and spend a month or two living a better life.

Well in 2018 I'm making it a reality and I'm gonna book the flights this week.

But where to go? That's the question. I figured I'd put it out there to the world at large here on Steemit. I'm looking for somewhere that's warm and pretty cheap to rent an apartment for 6 weeks in Jan/Feb. So maybe you already winter out somewhere on your nomadic travels or you live in the ideal country already. I'm really interested in what you can recommend and looking forward to reading your comments.

I'm the meantime I have a plan for the next 6 months, starting today, that will lead into this change in lifestyle and make it possible. More on that in a later post.

(Photo taken: Paphos, Cyprus)

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Looking forward to your adventures!

I lived in Costa Rica for a year and it was an amazing experience. You can find cheap rent and food all around! Its definitely somewhere worth checking out.

Costa Rica looks amazing, it might be a bit far to travel on this trip unless I get a freak Steemit payout this week! Flying from England is around £900 return.

Definitely somewhere to go in the future though. If my plans work out I intend to move from country to country, living in each for extended periods.

Morocco - I really liked it there.

Cheers, Pettigrew. Morocco is on the shortlist - £40 flights to get there and a really interesting looking culture. Which area did you visit?

I visited Tangiers, a grimy, smelly transport hub town full of Mediterranean truckers. Loved it, spend hours bartering for a genuine Moroccan lamp that takes pride of place in my hallway at home.
I am planning on heading to Marrakesh at some point.

I've wanted to visit Tangiers for its rich history in 20th century culture. The place artists and writers and musicians went to escape the restrictions of the West. Burroughs basing his Interzone on what he found there, it was a place without rules, a meeting point of cultures.