A small town in 陵水 in the morning

in travel •  8 years ago 

This morning I managed to get outside much earlier, a little after six, and this was the view down the river, to the east.


The air was still a little cool. Now, four hours later, I can feel the heat of the sun even inside the building, and I hear the noises from the construction that is going on all around. At six it was peaceful, and the day had not really begun.


Looking at these photographs now, I am finding it difficult to believe that the sky had all these colours. I think it did, because I remember being disappointed with the first shot, so I zoomed in and put the camera on the low curbing of the bridge, trying to get less grey sky in the picture.


Then I walked into the town to see what was happening early in the day.


Most of the shops and restaurants were still closed, except a few serving the local noodle breakfast, and there were a few people about on their motorbikes. I also saw schoolchildren, I think having to make the half hour journey into the local city to their schools.


This has always been my way of travelling. There are sites, tourist attractions, but what I really like to do is hang out in the local neighbourhood, shop in the local market, and make friends with the local teashop. When I first came to Hainan, in 2002, the university I worked at was right out in the countryside. I bought a cheap bicycle and used to ride the dirt roads through the surrounding villages. I wonder if they still remember the tall foreigner on his bicycle, and later running, very slowly. There are lots of photographs from that time, but they are on a broken harddisk in a suitcase in Gaziantep. Maybe one day.


And here lastly are some 包子 a steamin', a nutritious and healthy way to start some day. At least I think they are 包子, but without doubt steamed food is the way forward!


Thank you for reading, or even for just looking at my pictures.

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Thank you.

this small town looks much more laid back than the top tier Chinese cities.

Yes, it's definitely top tier, no coffee to had for one thing, but it's a relaxing place to spend the summer.