Dracula’s Castle Today

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Famous Romanian Castle of Dracula


We all have heard about the famous figure Dracula. Either in movies, stories or by reading Bram’s Stocker novel.

Count Dracula is the fictional character confused with the Romanian​ historical​ figure Vlad Tepes ( Vlad the Impaler) who ruled in Walachia in the 1400s. He is known in history by his tremendous appetite for cruelty. He was often called The son of Dracul (Dracul translated to Dragon) because his father was also very cruel. It is estimated that Vlad was responsible for the deaths of more than 80,000 individuals.

The author created this figure inspired by Vlad Tepes and placed him in the location of Transylvania.

The real Dracula, Vlad, didn’t actually lived there, he only passed several times through the Bran Gorge but the Bram’s description of the Dracula’s Castle matches best with Bran Castle so today we correlate them very easily.

Bran ( 16 miles southwest of Brasov) is the village where the famous and one of the most beautiful medieval castles in Romania is situated.
At the moment it is a national monument and landmark in Romania.


I drove there recently with friends. The weather was perfect in my opinion - humid and foggy. I love capturing fog in photos and I thought the cold vibe was exactly what I wanted for this kind of experience. Gave me a feeling of a cold welcome, perfect - relating to the story of Dracula.

View from the main walkway

View from the upstairs balcony




Secret passage connecting the first and third floors




View of the courtyard



I encourage you to visit Bran when you get the chance and enjoy experiencing this wonderful castle

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Wow such an amazing article and pictures! Keep it up!

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this photos with us. I feel like I just visited Dracula's Castle. Good photos!

Amazing! I wish I could visit this place some day. Seems like the kind of place I would like to live in :)

I bet it could be a very interesting place to live in :) Thanks for replying!

Hey, I've been there too. Love the pictures you took.

That's great! :) Thank you!!