world top 5 beautyfull hill road of the world.

in travel •  7 years ago 


  1. Karakoram Highway , Pakistan
    the most beautyfull highway of the world in 1 highway in pakistan.
    02.Chapman’s Peak, South Africa
    this is the best awesome looking high way in south africa with chapman's peak.
  2. Atlantic Road, Norway
    this is the name of this road is atlantic road.this is Located in norway.this is too much dengerious and beautyfull.
  3. Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
    this road is located ib canada.
  4. The Road Leading To The Canadian Rockies
    this road is located in canada. canadian people always come to travel this road because this is really awesome and wonderfull.
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You have made great pictures 👍

Good road for extreme driving, I like

really it is awesome