The flower fields at Carlsbad Ranch/ Carlsbad花海

in travel •  7 years ago 

When I lived in Los Angles, I drove down to Carlsbad every spring to see the flower fields. They open every spring around March. (Just checked the website, they open on March 1st this year!). It is a huge flower field with different areas of various kind of flowers! Phenomenal and unforgettable view! You can also do weddings and other special events here. And since carlsbad is on the way to San Diego when you drive from LA, you may make this trip longer visiting La Jolla beach or San Diego zoo! 

位于圣地亚哥附近的Carlsbad花海非常适合短途旅行。每年春天开放(今年是3.1哦),大片的花海非常壮观,通常几片花海间有强烈的撞色,非常适合拍照! Carlsbad在圣地亚哥附近,逛完花海可以顺便去La Jolla海边看日落,听海豹唱歌,有娃的还可以去非常著名的圣地亚哥动物园哦。

Thanks for reading and happy Monday!

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So pretty!

I love the flower fields in Carlsbad.

Oh wowwwwww...