Golf Course Pests

in travel •  7 years ago 

Happy Tuesday!!

I'm in Hawaii right now and I took picture 'A' on the golf course right out my patio door.
I can't say I've ever enjoyed golf, nor understood why people like it (I prefer physical/aggressive sports), but I do know golfers encounter some of the following pests while golfing.

Which do you think would be worse to encounter on the golf course?

A) Kona, Hawaii


B)Port Charlotte, Florida


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Not being a golfer, myself, I wouldn't particularly mind seeing either on the golf course. Photo ops! The gator would probably be more fun, though, especially if you could convince him to lay on top of the hole. He'd be pretty easy to lure away, too, I'd think.

Oh, tooo fun and I totally agree! I know lots of golfers in Florida that get all pissy when a gator gets in the way of their game. If it were me...I'd see it as yes a photo op, but sport know, if I can't get the ball in the hole, maybe, just maybe I could hit a larger object ?? lol

If you hit the ball straight into the gator's mouth, does that count as a hole in one? :-)


Yes, I've heard of these pests on the golf courses, although never a tiger....?? I would imagine it's a toss up between a croc or tiger. Mind you that goat could cause damage as well.

Hawaii eh?? Lovely. Enjoy your time there. Even if you don't golf. I'm not a golfer either. I don't mind putt putt golf, but a long game....b. o . r. i. n. g. !

Haaaa, yes I agree with the mini golf opposed to the long game! When I took the picture of the goat, I took several photos getting closer and what point am I going to piss this goat off (he was the leader of his large family) and then I would be in a "Running with the Bulls" scene? Mind you, that would have been totally fun if someone got photos :)

That would have been THE best....running with the goats .... you could start a new thing. And it might go viral and make you famous.....

Oh, now you’re tempting me!! Lol. Too fun!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have never played golf as a professional!!!
Just giving it a try, a couple of times and usually I enjoy the view and the surroundings, more than the sport itself LOL!!!

But OH MY if I would encounter scene B, I would be taken by Shock and Awe!!!! I wouldn't know what to do first lol!!
Capture it with my camera or get somewhere safe and then video the whole scene!!
Usually you go to places like South Africa and Botswana to get the real thing but at a golf court somewhere in the States 😀 ?

Sending love to you @ steem-samiam!

Do you have any animals in Loutraki that you should be afraid of? And I'm willing to bet now that you are hooked on Steemit, that you would get that photo op 1st THEN run for safety haaa!
Sending love back at you @alinak15!!

The thing you can see here, that is unique in the world it has to do with dolphins!

Check the post I did in Loutraki:
and tell me what you think! 😘 💗

What a wonderful post, wish I could still upvote it!! Thanks for giving me the link and you look gorgeous girl, very photogenic!!

I love football and tennis, I wish you enjoy all your trips, I always follow you.
Good luck my dear lady @steem-samiam 👍😉
All the best for you 😃

Hehehe... I don't even need to mention it. B) is terrifying. I wouldn't dare to love the sight of a croc when am playing golf.

Hahahahhah.... I think the worst encounter on the golf course will probably be with the Port Charlotte, Florida

Great photos too

It'll be scary @steem-samian to meet a Port Charlotte, Florida, I die an infarction.

So beautiful animal,the amazing your post,i like,i like animal,good job friends,the fantastic.

Interesting post,one thing i asking you,you play with wiled animals,they don't harm anything you.

So far, I've been safe and sound :)


I Like animals and I Like Your Post.

Kambing berjenggot nya panjang


People are crazy about Golf and I see it's a very niche sport. More than the sport I enjoy the golf parks, they are all so well maintained.
You got some wonderful clicks