My daughter is a warrior princess

in travel •  7 years ago 

I wrote about my son, but I also have a daughter who, at least I think, is just as wonderful as my son.

Today she made lunch for me, at 6:30am !


Ya, the pink rubber gloves are mine for when I am washing dishes...sadly no other colour in my size.

My daughter will turn 12 in September. She has been such a wonderful little girl, who will soon be a young lady.

She definitely likes to make jokes.

She makes my life so much more happier.

This is from her seventh birthday. She likes to look like a princess.


She used to come to my rugby games before I retired. Her she is giving me a smile. I am sure I was covered in dirt and maybe blood. But, she was just happy to see me. Or, she probably woke from a nap...haha.


Very proud of her gum-bubble skills, this was last year when we returned from Okinawa where she got scuba-diver certification.

At the time, she was the youngest scuba diver in Japan. She still may be.

My daughter is one of the two most important people in my life. She and her brother are very close and I am so fortunate to have them. God gave me the biggest gifts of my life.

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