By train through Europe - 6th August - Finland

in travel •  6 years ago 

As warm and sunny the previous days of our journey had been, as cold and rainy was it on the morning of the 6th. Being that it was Finland, I wasn’t really surprised especially because I had checked the weather report a few days before.

After dropping of @apsu ‘s child at the kindergarten and buying some food, the master of bread made a “tomato cheese pie”, which wasn’t a pie but delicious nonetheless.


And while the meat for lunch was cooking, @reggaemuffin and I were taught how to play “Mölkky”.


In this game, you have 12 wooden logs with numbers, and one without. The numbered ones are placed on the floor, and then you have to try to hit them by throwing the additional one. If you hit a single log, you get as many points as the number on it shows. If you hit more than one, you get as many points as you hit logs. If you miss three times in a row, you lose.


Players take turns, and the logs are placed upright again in the spot where they landed after being hit, leading to them being spread out more and more. The goal is to reach exactly 50 points before anyone else does. But watch out! If you go above 50, you fall back to 25.

@apsu and @reggaemuffin both won and lost, I always placed second. My hand-eye coordination isn’t the best.

Then we had lunch, and later a berry cake (which was to die for), and even later that evening crackers with cheese, followed by chocolate and, for everyone but me, salmiakki (Finnish licorice).


As a German, who generally eats 3 times a day, the frequency of meals baffled me. But the food was way too good to stop eating. As I am writing this, I’m already dreading weighing myself back at home.

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We have that black salmiak based liquorice over here too. Maybe the Finnish one is secretly Dutch :P

Posted using Partiko Android

Mmm... food.

I miss having people living at my place, mostly because I had a good excuse to bake all the time.

Start a bakery in your home! Both problems solved!

Weeell, not really. If I start a bakery at home, I won't get any additional people living around. And I can't eat all the stuff I bake.

Find a buddy who can take your wears into town then!

veri appetizing) @solio

Reminded me of childhood. We use to play similar sport calles pitthu.....good going on your trip👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I've never heard of Mölkky but now I have a new game to take to family campouts! That looks like fun!

The food sounds delicious minus the cheese... I imagine my stomach wouldnt appreciate that.