Vietnam Bike Trip 2017 #2 From Long Hải to Mũi Né

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is the 2nd Part of the Vietnam 2017 Bike Trip

#1 Hello Vietnam! Back again in Saigon and off to Long Hai
#2 From Long Hải to Mũi Né
#3 3 Days in Hàm Tiến
#4 From Hàm Tiến to Ðưc Trọng
#5 From Ðưc Trọng to Buôn Ma Thuột
#6 From Buôn Ma Thuột to Đăk Hà

Had a good nights rest in the Hoa Sua Motel in Long Hai. Todays trip is not far so I can take it easy along the coast for most of the time. But somehow the Google lady had a mind of her own again and decided for a small detour inland. Well - you can not really look into her brain but sometimes she drives me crazy. After I found out I was too lazy to turn back and it was very hot on the road as well.

Far East tourist area Khu du lịch Viễn Đông
Far East tourist area Khu du lịch Viễn Đông - that is what it said on the map - hmmm not sure if this is the place where you want to go for vacation??

Far East tourist area Khu du lịch Viễn Đông
Does not really look better on the other side. But I do not like this kind of beaches anyhow - so it might be just me?

A few kilometres before Hồ Linh lake in Bình Châu, Xuyên Mộc District
A few minutes before Hồ Linh lake in Bình Châu, Xuyên Mộc District. Nothing on the left - water on the right.
Every few kilometres you find a new resort project along the road. Some are work in progress, some look open but are more or less empty and some look like nobody worked on them for years. It is so close to Saigon but somehow it looks like the Vietnamese are not a beach loving nation.
This continues along the coast - never saw that many resort ruins on one coast line.

A few minutes before Hồ Linh lake in Bình Châu, Xuyên Mộc District
From time to time you see one of the small fishing boats out in the sea.

A few kilometres before Hồ Linh lake in Bình Châu, Xuyên Mộc District
Or you see nothing at all. And there is next to no traffic as well.

Church in tx. La Gi
Church in tx. La Gi

Harbour in La Gi
Darling - do you remember where we parked the boat last night??

Nhà thờ Bình An
Nhà thờ Bình An

Nhà thờ Bình An

Nhà thờ Thanh Bình
Hello stranger! Jesus waits to great you at the Nhà thờ Thanh Bình church

Nhà thờ Thanh Bình
Quite different design again. I think they have the most interesting churches here in Vietnam. Mind you interesting is not something like the best looking ones or something! Still....

Giáo Xứ Truyền Tin
Giáo Xứ Truyền Tin

Giáo xứ Tinh Hoa
Giáo Xứ Truyền Tin

Maria at Giáo xứ Tinh Hoa
Maria here

Maria at Giáo xứ Tinh Hoa
And Maria here

The home of the Dragon Fruit
The home of the Dragon Fruit

Giáo xứ Thuận Nghĩa
Giáo xứ Thuận Nghĩa.

I know I am lazy. But the last few churches are on the highway and there is a divider in the road. So you have to find a gap and drive back to get to them and somehow most of them are on the other side of the road. And driving in the sun for hours makes you want to get to your destination for the day. So this was the last one that I took a picture today and - yes I took it from the other side of the road and did some Photoshop magic to get all the wires out of the way...

Rolled into the suburbs of Mũi Né in the late afternoon. Had to wait for Jake so with the help of my off-line map I found a small place on the beach for a few beers and views of the waves. Nice! The next 3 nights I will wait out the worst of Tet here.

Todays drive

168 km in 5 1/2 hours including picture stops and a gas stop

Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 20.42.58.jpg

Here is the link to Google Maps

Here are the other Parts of the Vietnam 2017 Bike Trip

#1 Hello Vietnam! Back again in Saigon and off to Long Hai
#2 From Long Hải to Mũi Né
#3 3 Days in Hàm Tiến
#4 From Hàm Tiến to Ðưc Trọng
#5 From Ðưc Trọng to Buôn Ma Thuột
#6 From Buôn Ma Thuột to Đăk Hà

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Very beautiful scenery! Great photography! @surfdog

Thank you :-) I post more!

This is a really great post, thanks for sharing your amazing pictures!

Thank you! More to come :-)

I think every foreigner that does a scooter trip in Vietnam learns to distrust google maps. Google had me driving all over the place in Vietnam. Eventually, I started using for routing (it's also more readable than google when riding).

I'm really loving the posts. You're putting my posts to shame. You've got a ton of detail and useful information. The photos are excellent as well. Don't get discouraged by low payouts!

I download the maps for offline use from Google. Most of the times it is ok. BUT I put the app offline (the phone) If Google Maps is online it changes the route I want to take all the time. "We found a faster route" etc. In Europe or USA I use HERE which I really like. It even has the city bus lines in Bangkok for example! Now I can go everywhere in BKK with the bus :-) is not really my app but I shall try next time again. Have some Vietnamese friends that really like it.

Yeah, I still use Google maps the most. But for routing in Asia, I used google and something else to make sure that both routes matched. If they didn't match, I would do some research.

I haven't really used outside of Vietnam.

hmmm - i look into it next time!

Nice post. Your pics is beautiful. @ellaolivia

than youuuu :-)