London-Travel with me(4) 倫敦-跟著Susan去旅行(4) Hyde Park 海德公園

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi my Steemit friends!! Today I'm going to share my travel experience in HYDE PARK!! But before I start, please let me talk about 'Little Venice':))



1. Little Venice

1. 「小威尼斯」

As you may remember, I went to Camden Town last time. After visiting the market, my friends and I took a boat trip along Regent's Canal. It starts at Little Venice and ends at Camden Lock Market (again ;pp). You'll know why it's called Little Venice by looking at the following pictures:

大家可能都記得,我上次去了康登鎮. 逛完了集市,我們沿著Regent's Canal來了一次觀光船旅行。我們從「小威尼斯」開始,在Camden Lock Market(又是它;pp)結束。看了下面的照片,你就會知道這裏為什麼會被稱作「小威尼斯」啦:



There was a waterside cafe in which you can enjoy a cup of coffee!! You can choose to sit either on land or boat ;ppp




Ready to start the journey?





That's what the ticket looks like:



The ducks were close to us!! Actually, there were still people living on boats. But obviously, their life was far from convenient and comfortable.




Look at the little house for the birds at the back...It's just CUTEEE!!!!!! >V<



And this one...home for the frogs!!



Along the journey, I saw a CHINESE TEMPLE on water!!! WHAT?? While I was wondering why it's there, the guide told us that it's actually a FLOATING CHINESE RESTAURANT!! It's called Feng Shang Princess. I didn't try it so I can't say if the food's good or not. But I am sure that it's a nice (yet odd) place to experience Chinese culture! It looks more fantastic at night :):)





The journey took us about an hour. When we returned to Camden, we saw this lovely ice cream van which looked very different from those found in Hong Kong. I LOVE Disneyyyyy!!!!!



2. Hyde Park

2. 海德公園

Now, I'd like to introduce Hyde Park to you :):) It's the largest Royal Park in London. It used to be the HUNTING GROUND of Henry VIII. Therefore, as you can imagine, it's MASSIVE. It became SUPER popular after it opened to the public in the 17th Century.

現在,是時候介紹海德公園啦:):) 它是倫敦最大的皇家公園。它曾經是亨利VIII的狩獵場。所以,你可以想像到它有多麼的廣闊。當它在17世紀開放給市民後,它就成了其中一個最受歡迎的公園。


That's what it looks like in autumn🍁


We all know that London is notorious for its weather. So, on a sunny day, you can find many people enjoying the kiss of the sun on the huge grassland in Hyde Park:



Actually, it hasn't changed for CENTURIES:



We were DUMFOUNDED by its beauty 🍃 In Hong Kong, you never have a chance to relax in a park like this.

我們被它的美所折服🍃 在香港這個地方,你怎麼也不會有這樣的機會放鬆自己。



IMG_1472 (1).jpg


There are a lot of squirrels. They move really fast!



See how large this tree is!!!!!



Missed the time when I was a kid :')



These children were SOOOO nice!! They thought it was a stray dog so they tried to give it water using their hands ❤️ If you have a dog, please don't leave it alone :'((( Though you can't tell in the picture, It was shaking :'(

真是些好心的小朋友!!因為他們以為這是無家可歸的狗狗,所以他們正嘗試用手捧水給牠喝❤️如果你家也有狗狗,請不要獨留牠們在外哦:'(( 雖然這張照片看不出來,但牠在顫抖:'(


There's a LARGE lake in Hyde Park. You can see swans, ducks, albatrosses (yes they also swim in lakes), and...ummm...and... the tiny duck-like white-headed black birds? Sorry they are the only birds I can name (omg) LOLLLL! And you can roll a boat on the lake!!

在海德公園有一個巨大的湖。那裏有天鵝,鴨子,海鷗(沒錯,牠們也是會在湖裏游的哦),還有......ummm......還有......像鴨子一樣的白頭黑身小鳥?太對不起了,這已經是我所有能叫出名字的鳥了(天吶)hahahaha!!! 你還可以泛舟湖上呢!!

INTERESTING FACT: ALL the mute swans in the U.K. belong to the Queen. They are strictly protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. If you injure a swan/steal a swan egg, you are subject to a max. £5,000 fine or six months in jail.

冷知識:英國所有的疣鼻天鵝都是屬於英女王的。牠們受到Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981的絕對保護。如果你傷了一隻天鵝/偷了一隻鵝蛋,你會受到最高£5,000的罰款或者是6個月的監禁。

Actually, swans are super stars in London. There are many pubs called "the Swan" in London. Like the Swan in the City of London, the Swan in Hammersmith, the Swan at Shakespeare's Globe, among others. You may be interested in this article on the swans in London :):)

其實,天鵝是倫敦的大明星。倫敦有許多以「天鵝」(the Swan) 命名的酒吧,有如the Swan in the City of London, the Swan in Hammersmith, the Swan at Shakespeare's Globe等等。你可能會對這篇關於倫敦天鵝的文章有興趣哦:):)



Apart from its size and beauty, Hyde Park is famous for the Speakers' Corner. It is where people gather to do public speaking and debate. Any topic is allowed as long as it's lawful. In the 1800s, there were many public riots in London. Hyde Park was usually their main assembly point for protest. Also, these riots raised people's awareness towards freedom of speech. Since then, the Speakers' Corner has become a traditional area for debate and public speech.



Well-known speakers who sued to speak at Speakers' Corner include Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx and George Orwell, to name a few. That's what it looks like today:



In the past, speakers were allowed to stand on large boxes or ladders. Nowadays, only small step ladders are allowed.
OR ARE THEY?? Unfortunately, NO. In June 2017, just less than a month ago, police banned ladders and platforms from Speakers' Corner due to concerns of public safety. This may end the 150-YEAR tradition. Next time when I go there, will I see these ladders again? Please read this news article to know more.



Ok, time for a lighter topic. There's a Diana Memorial Fountain in the Park. It symbolizes Princess Diana's quality and openness. It looks amazing, doesn't it:)

好吧,換個輕鬆點兒的話題吧。這是黛安娜王妃紀念噴泉哦:) 它代表了黛安娜的高尚品格。看起來十分美妙,對嗎:)



On our way home, we saw a bus. No, it's not. It says 'M__ & R___'s Wedding Party'!!!! How sweet!!! ❤️

在回家的路上,我們看見了一輛巴士。噢噢,才不是呢。上面寫著「M__ 和 R___的婚禮」!!真甜蜜呀!!❤️


I JUST LOVE HYDE PARK!!! haha I guess I'd stop here:) Thanks for reading!! If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to tell me!

Please follow me @susanlo

and I'll share more of this incredible city in the future!! :)

我真是愛上了海德公園!!哈哈今天就寫到這兒吧:) 如果有任何的意見、建議或問題,都請在留言中告訴我哦!



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Thank you VERYYYY much!! I'll definitely keep up and share more stories like this in the future!! Steem on! :)

Hi @steemvoter, seems that two hours have passed, is there any problem? Is yes, please do let me know :):) Thanks!!!

Great post and I enjoyed the nice photos.

Thanks sooo much!! :):) glad to hear you like it! Please stay tuned and see more!! :)


Thanks veryyy much!:)

我記得看報有看過有個男人打天鵝要坐監 XDDD


Nice travel blog. Beautiful scenery. Beautiful u too lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks soo much! I'm glad you like it :):) haha it's definitely worth visiting! In any seasons :) please stay tuned and I'll share more of this amazing city!

Cute pictures :D thank you for sharing.

Thank you toooo!! :):) I like London very much and I bet you're gonna like it too if you visit there:)

Looks like a fun adventure!

Yup it's REALLY fun!! Haha I'm in love with this city:)

The boats in the Regent Canal look very nice.

Yuppp!! They are beautifully designed, and more amazingly, they look ALL different!! I wonder if their owners painted them by themselves:):) But I realised I'm wrong- even if they look the same, they are still beautiful:


Actually it's nice to take pictures if you're WALKING ALONG the Canal. If you're on the boat, you won't be able to see it's whole beauty XD

Yes, but on the boat you see different perspective of nice too . :-)

Oh that's true:) and I enjoyed the ride too!! I especially like the water birds, and it's nice to see them swimming next to me ;p actually the water was not very clear, but I guess they don't mind at all ;ppp

Hi @ace108,

Congratulations! You have been chosen to appear on another amazing edition of "Who to Follow Daily". Thank you for adding so much value to the Steemit community. Steem on!

Thank you.

Congrats!! ;)))

Like your post. Thank you for shearing

Thanks veryyy much!! haha I'll keep on sharing and please stay tuned!! :)


Thanks soo much :)

Excellent article,I just like it

Thanks soo much:):) I'll do better in the future!

  ·  8 years ago 


謝謝支持哦!>v< 我會繼續分享更多給大家的!

Wonderful, enjoy London😊

Thanks soo much 😊 London is just an amazing city :):)



Wonderful post. Nice photographs

Thanks very much !! :) please stay tuned and I'll do better!

i hope steemit give the money to travel around the world

Yup that's true LOL!! Let's work hard tgt :)

Beautiful post ! Thank you so much for your effort !!

Upvoted !

Thanks SO much for your support! I'll do better in the future! Haha the bear's cute and huge! ;p

Thank you so much !

You're very welcome!!

Thank you !

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

Thanks veryy much!! Haha sure I'll check it out!! ;p

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

Can i travel with you ? haha

Ohh haha! I'll write more in the future and you're travelling with me!! ;ppppp

thanks for sharing this and also showing us this great city @susanlo. nice pictures too. great work

Thanks veryyy much :):) I'll share more in the future and please stay tuned!! :)

This is so fantastic. I lived in London for over 20 years but now I live in Thailand. I wish I could have met you guys and shown you around. I really hope you enjoy your time in London.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks soo much! :):) Wow really!! 20 years! London must have changed a lot during these 2 decades:)
I went there for exchange, and exploring London was like treasure hunt!! Yup I love this city and I'll come back again!! Thanks for commenting and please stay tuned to see more!


對呀,在晚上很有意境的:) 外國人肯定很喜歡!聽說是挺出名的一間中餐廳呢!


沒錯!實在是太炫啦!很吸睛的,走在路上回頭率100%!!! 在別的地方很難見到哦:)


good travel 😎👍

THANK YOU !!! 😆Haha you should visit there too! You're gonna love it!

I can see why it is called Little Venice! Venice itself, is such an exquisite place! one of my mom's DREAM destinations... she is an artist - she painted a pic of Venice once... feel like I just have to share... because it truly was a magnificent depiction of the place (even though she has never been there...)

Great post - glad I stumbled on it! - upvoted!

Would love your feedback on one of my latest, if you have a moment :)


Yup Venice is just fantastic!! I went there last year and It's picturesque!! And the food was excellent. Also, the people were unexpectedly nice. Wish your mom and you can visit there soon! I went there in winter so that it's not crowed, and the water was clear :)

WOWWWW the painting is AMAZING!! It looks exactly like Venice omg!! How did she do it without visiting there!! Your mom's very talented >v< I'm sure you too ;)

Thanks SOOO much!! Glad that you like my post! ;))) and sure I'll check your post out! Have a nice day xxx