12 Steps to Plan the Perfect Vacation

in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

I've summed up what makes the perfect vacation, from my point of view. Honestly, I've had some amazing and some less amazing vacations. I’m sure this list will change with time, as I learn something new every time I go on a holiday.

Sitting around at my hotel in Africa, avoiding stress.

1-Travel with someone you know you're compatible with
Even if you are best friends, it’s not sure that you’re compatible for traveling together. Ask your potential travel partner what he or she would like to do while on the vacation. It’s also nice to have somewhat the same travel budget. Although I think that everyone should travel alone at least once, vacations are better spent together with someone you like. (Read my post about traveling solo here.) 

2-No alarm clocks
Under no circumstances should you use an alarm in the morning during your vacay. When you’ve got time off work and you’ve gone somewhere to relax, sleep until you wake up! The only exception is the day of departure. 

3-Stay with locals 

If it’s possible, stay at an Airbnb or rent directly from someone local. They can provide priceless advice on stuff like local food and hidden gems. I do like a comfortable hotel now and then too.

4-Pack only a bare minimum 

When I was younger, I brought tons of clothes on my vacations. I always ended up wearing ten percent of my clothes. Bring your essentials and travel light. 

5-Pictures are nice, but.. 

Photographing on vacation is fun. But if you go somewhere spectacular, take a couple of shots and put your camera or phone completely away. Enjoy the moment, let the view sink in and just enjoy it with your friend(s). 

Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janerio. 

6-Avoid stressful situations 

I always make sure to have enough time between flights. Although I’m a very relaxed person, flights can be delayed and that can cause me to miss my next flight. That's stressful. I’ve run through some of Europe’s biggest airports and there’s nothing relaxing about it. Having a good travel insurance is also crucial to reduce the potential vacation stress. 

7-Plans are fine, but keep some days open

I like to research and decide on a couple of sights and activities. But I always make sure to have a couple of days completely open, in case some cool opportunity shows up. Spontaneous outings are always fun!


Make sure you get the authentic experience. It’s easy to notice when the food, music and culture feels real. My friend went to Italy and ate at a McDonalds every day. He never got to experience the delicious Italian bruschetta, gnocchi and ravioli. His loss tho.  

9-Talk to people 

I can’t believe that some people manage to go to a new country without having had one conversation with a person from that country. My dad has always told me that it’s important to speak to the locals. By doing this, you learn about their situation, the daily life and the culture. I can admit that I’ve gotten embarrassed a couple of times when my dad chatted up randoms or hotel staff. My friend @karianne and I got to know a very interesting lady in Jamaica, just by being a little bit friendly and open to get to know people.

10-Go somewhere you’ve never been 

I know that especially grownups and families enjoy the safe and the familiar destinations. Well, I agree that it’s comfortable to go to a place where you know where the nearest ATM is at all times. I went to the same place in Spain for eight years when I was younger. I get why you would do that when you travel with kids. But, now that I’m traveling to only new places, I think that is so much more rewarding. Speaking for myself: travel equals exploring. I refuse to travel to a place I’ve been before.

11-Don’t stay too long 

Research has shown that eight days is the ideal length for a vacation. (source)
The perfect length for me is about ten days. If I travel very far and jet lag is involved, I usually stay longer. I spent three weeks in Rio de Janeiro. A lot of the time was spent alone and I noticed that I started to get bored in the end. (I know, how could I be bored in Rio?) I should’ve traveled around a bit more while I was in Brazil. Lesson learned. 

One week in Greece was enough, although it's undeniably beautiful.

12-Have fun 

Try something new, explore, be curious and have fun. Don’t check your work emails if you don’t have to and enjoy some quality time with whoever you decide to travel with. 

Listen to this wonderful song.

Auf Wiedersehen


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Get up, get out, and do something, no plans, just go with the flow :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I'm moving from Norway to Australia alone in September. No plans. So I guess I'm going with the flow. :)

1-Travel with someone you know you are compatible with

I would like to add:

Plan ahead in case you have to split up.
Be prepared to go solo, if you need to.

That is a great point too! Sometimes (even when you think you can depend on someone fully) things don't go as planned and if you aren't prepared, it can bite you in the ass!

I would see it more as a mental exercise.
It will also make you realise the value of your buddy.

Ha ha, I never though of this! :)

Great post! I agree with most of your points fully! Especially when it comes to the pictures.. It's great to have memories saved, but if you focus too much on that, you lose the moment! It kinda reminded me of that one scene on the secret life of Walter (Schmitty?) when the photographer saw the snow leopard and he asked "Aren't you going to take the picture?" and he said "I don't always take it.. Sometimes, when I like a moment.. I just drink it in, I live that moment."
Great work! Looking forward to more posts from you. :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you @kainmarx. It's great to have memories saved, I agree. I haven't seen the show unfortunately.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Of course! :) @susanne . It definitely is! It's actually a movie starring Ben Stiller, you should check it out! It's a great movie about expanding yourself and exploring the wonders of life and the value of travel and new adventures.

Just click to check it out

McDonald's in italy every day? Crazy friend! I really enjoyed this post. Thank you.

Yes, can you beliebe it? Thank you for reading it!

The less friends the less problems will be created , I love to going to go travel with very few people so no dramas .
When you go with too many peoples very hard to control people around you to acts nicely .
Btw great post

Thank you!

good tips, the 4th is the most important. I always say that "wants to travel? stop buying unnecessary things done what is not essential, throw away the trash, keep only what you use, stop consuming start living. be Minimalist"

This is so true! My life is so much better now that I own 1/10 of what I used to own.

as we understand this, we improve our travels and life, im following you. yu have very interesting post for me

Thank you!

All the places you have been , I would love to go , All the things you have done , I would love to do. Hopefully I can become fortunate enough to go to all these places , although I am not as unfortunate as some people I still am not able to go to that many places. Your tips are very helpful and hopefully I can use some of them in my travels!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I've been fortunate enough to have a dad that loves to travel. He's brought me to many cool places. But my most recent trips have been possible because travel is what I want to spend my money on. I don't have fancy things or expensive clothes. I spend my money on travel, food and fun experiences.

Travel is the one thing most of us love so I think it's great to spend more money on travelling with friends and family! , once again thanks for your tips! :D

Yes, a good 12 steps. They are simple and they help.

Thanks for reading.

Debes venir a Venezuela

Excellent advise.

I am going to Iceland in September (18 day vacay). We have the hotel booked for the day we land and the day before we depart. We have a campervan rented for the rest of the trip. Thats the extent of our planning!!!

That's amazing @giktiki. I've never been to Iceland although it's not that far from Norway. Are you going to write about it here on Steemit?

I'm definately going to try. :-)

Like your advice; Love your pic of Greece- so sad about Greece!!! upvoted

Thank you @magdalendaruth

Should you Steemit while on vacation?

That's a really good questions, actually! I'm not sure what I'd do.

Great post! One thing to add about packing light. I have a couple friends that go to Sri Lanka at times. They pack VERY light, buy any clothes then need locally while there, I guess exchange rate makes it cheaper. Then, when they are ready to leave they donate the clothes to the needy/homeless.

That's a really great way to traveling light!

  1. Travel by yourself. ;)

I like that too. But certain trips are fun to do with friends.

I can't say I agree about the alarm clock! I know several people who will sleep in until 12-1 if they do not have an alarm. I wouldn't want to spend my entire trip in bed !

I find it all quite individual, for example on some trips i explore cities and don't bring a camera. On others I will go on a 2-3 hour hiking trip just to get to a nice spot in nature to take a picture. It is all about knowing what experience you want and enjoying it.

Haha, OK, Everyone that sleeps longer than 9 AM needs an alarm clock.
I agree, traveling is very individual and that's why I write "from my point of view" in my first sentence:)

  ·  8 years ago 

Great post! I
It's beautiful。

Thank you!