Because of Airbnb I am moving to the other side of the world

in travel •  9 years ago  (edited)

 I am moving from Norway to Australia. I do not have an apartment there yet, and I do not have a job lined up. I am not even sure where I will end up, I just know I am starting out in Byron Bay. This decision was made in a split second, after I had been an Airbnb host for the first time. 

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. (Lao Tzu.) Well, the funny thing about that one step is that we sometimes have no idea when we’re taking it – and it can set us on new life changing journeys in an instant”  
Josh Stinton wrote this on his website. Read about his insane adventures here and support his charity work, this man is a legend.

My small step toward breaking up with my very settled life in Norway, was simply being an Airbnb host. I did not know it was a step in any direction then, but I know it now. 

In June 2016 I handed the key to my place over to my first Airbnb guest, a complete stranger. In my car, driving to my parents’ house, I felt so free all of a sudden. I only had one bag in the back of my car. It contained some clothes, one book, my computer and my toiletries. And I thought to myself: “Wow, that was easy!”  

I started thinking about moving abroad and I quickly decided to do it. First, I thought about skiing in Canada, but the temperatures there made me change my mind. I decided on Australia and within 12 hours I had arranged it all and told my family, my friends and boss. They were all shocked.

My possessions held me back

I have always traveled a lot. My dad is big on traveling and adventure. He has brought me on a trip to remember Holocaust in Poland and Germany, a “grow up you little brat” kind of trip to Africa and we went skiing in th Alps together. I love traveling with my dad, and he is pretty much my hero. Here we are in Greece:

We traveled quite a bit as a family too. I have traveled extensively in Europe, but I have also visited Asia, South America, North America and Africa. I even went to Malaysia by myself. I loved traveling, but I also loved coming home. 

While all my friends studied abroad, I thought I had to stay in Norway because I was so settled. I got my apartment ten years ago, when I was 19. Little did I know, that my stuff, my car and my apartment would prevent me from doing what I had dreamed of. I was just too attached to it, and I did not even consider leaving everything that I had worked hard to get. 

Before I hosted any Airbnb guests I had to spring clean my house. I got rid of tons of stuff. I sold some stuff, and gave a lot away to charity. I did not know that this too was a step towards uprooting my life. I got hooked on getting rid of stuff. Now, I can proudly call myself a minimalist after being a semi hoarder all my life. 

“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” (Socrates)

Am I running from something?

Several people have asked me if I am running from something. There is no traumatic event, I did not lose my job and there are no mental issues behind my decision. (All though, I might have a bad case of ICD, impulse control disorder.)
I know that some people have fled the country as the going gets tough. Well, the trouble will follow you no matter where you go. Fleeing the country is not going to help. On the contrary, in tough times you need your family and friends nearby. 

My life is great, it is just a matter of trying something new, have an adventure and get out of my comfort zone. If I had to return to Norway for some reason, I would have this same lovely life waiting for me right where I left it. A life with the coolest friends ever, a rewarding job and an amazing family.

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”
(Unknown author) 

Just do it

I do not know what I will do in Australia, I do not even know how long I will be there for. All I know is that for one year, at least, I will do more of what scares me. I am deliberately trying to leave my comfort zone as often as possible. Airbnb hosting used to scare me. Publishing a post scared me. Writing in English scared me. I used to be scared of other people’s opinions. Public speaking scared me. Not anymore.

 I am glad I did not move to Australia when I was younger. I was insecure, immature and gullible. Now, I know who I am, I am a better judge of character and I am a lot more mature. 

My advice is simple, just do it. Timing will never be completely perfect. You will find excuses. Just take the first step. My Aussie friend, Alana, shared this once:

“Leap and the net will appear”
(John Burroghs). I love it.

Not everyone is dreaming about traveling and living abroad. That is because we are all different. But I think you should apply for that job, ask him out on a date, start that company, attend that class or buy the sailboat. Just take the first step.

“The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands.”
(Sir Richard Burton)  

Stay tuned for my upcoming post on why everyone should travel alone at least once.


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Nice post, enjoy your travels @susanne

THAT is one helluva nicely done gif!!
And I should know, I make them.
super excellent job!

Thank you!

Great post Susanne! I can identify with everything you wrote as well.. I wish you the best time ever, down under in Australia! 😉 Keep us updated!

Thank you @itsnicoletv! I'm sure I will be able to have a great time in such a wonderful country.

Yeah the possessions can be binding....that Socrates quote is righteous.

This is awesome!!!!

So jealous, i need to just pack up and move some where new, i wish you all the best :D

Well, @warrensteem, you should!! :) Thank you

good luck @susanne i stay tunned for future posts 8]

That is nice to hear @gekko.

awesome :)

visit to my traveling to #bromomountain, what do you think? :)

OMG,,,,,I think I just found another great blogger to follow. It's U @susanne! Not only are you funny and spontaneous, but your Dad is your hero. I think that is great. Plus, you throw a Socrates quote in your article. Look forward to your future posts.

Thank you for the kind words @celsius100, I will keep sharing posts.

I just rented my first Airbnb house in TN for a wedding. Good luck!

How was the house? Thank you.

I don't know yet. We go there in Sept.

Kult! Gjorde noe lignende da jeg og en god venn stakk til Mexico uten mål og mening. Det er noe av det beste jeg har gjort! Håper eventyret ditt blir uforglemmelig og at du deler høydepunktene på steemit :)

Mexico hørtes gøy ut!! Det tror jeg på. Tusen takk for det, og jeg skal fortsette å dele.

Thanks for sharing your story with us @susanne!

It's awesome to see how Steemit is changing lives, but also how technology is facilitating decisions that once would have been close to impossible to make.

Keep sharing your journey with us!

@albertfall : thank you for reading! I love Steemit.

good luck on your adventure. I heard AU has working holiday schemes.
perhaps, you can google a bit and check out eligibility.

Hi @ace108, I forgot to write that in my post, but I already have a visa! :)

good for you then. enjoy your trip.

As I understand, Australia has very strict migration policies. How do you circumvent that?

Hi @alexgr. I just applied for a visa online and it was granted the next day.

Hmm... perhaps they have different policies depending the origin country.

Yes we do. ;)
Also, it appears that Susanne is coming to visit not become a citizen....yet.

I have the visa for one year, and I can work while I am there. But yes, maybe I'll become a citizen one day :)

That's awesome ! I am an airbnb host and found your story searching on google.Hope you have fun in Australia

Thank you @mammasitta

Thats awesome that you got the courage to break from the mold and do what YOU want to do (and not what you think society expects of you). I myself may be moving to Sweden (or maybe Norway) in the next year or so on a sambo visa. We just got back from vacation there 2 weeks ago, what made you want to leave such a beautiful country?

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Hi @nord. I'm excited to see what will become of my adventure. You should definitely try living in Scandinavia once. It's beautiful and life is great here, but that doesn't mean I should stay here forever. Good luck with moving!

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment