Cross-country Skiing Mayhem in Suldal, Norway

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you know what Kvikk Lunsj is? It’s the reason why we Norwegians go skiing. If we ski for more than ten minutes, it’s fully acceptable to dig a hole in the snow, sit down in it and enjoy a Kvikk Lunsj chocolate.


Although I actually love skiing, my key motivatitors to get from A to B on skis are the Kvikk Lunsj, Solo and oranges awaiting me on the break. Solo is basically the Norwegian equivalent to Fanta. These are very traditional hike/skiing snacks for the Norwegian Easter.

What keeps me going

Kvikk Lunsj is pretty similar to a Kit Kat, if you’ve had that. Except it’s so much better!

I’m really enjoying my family Easter at our cabin in Suldal. It’s on the west coast of Norway, in the fjords!

My sister getting ready for a Kvikk Lusj break

Working for my food

Enjoying the Easter sun

It might look easy, but in my opinion this is harder then downhill skiing. Especially when your going down a hill

I only fell on my ass (and shoulder, knee and face) once in this trip!

And just to make sure that we didn’t burn more calories than what we ate today ...

On our way back to the cabin

Enjoy your weekend!


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I am with you on always having a Kvikk lunsj when you are skiing :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sounds wonderful! I mean skiing and the refreshment. It is unfortunate that Kenya does not have snow like you from Norway. Snow is only found in special places and on top of Mt. Kenya

Kvikk Lunsj is pretty similar to a Kit Kat, if you’ve had that. Except it’s so much better!

It was great! Where in Kenya Are you? I’ve been to Nairobi and Mombasa, and I loved both places.

My home is in western part of Kenya near Kisumu city. Next time tour western. It is equally good like Mbada and Nairobi. Meru and Mt. Kenya region is also good.

Thank you @susanne. You have a big heart

Mange takk for fine påskebilde frå Suldal @Susanne.
Fint vêr og gode høve til å nyta snøen og gå på ski.
Har sjølv vore i Suldal på ski. Det skjedde for nokre år sidan då eg var på leirskule med skuleelevar. Eg minnest det var mykje snø, flinke lærarar og elevane lærte mykje om korleis dei skulle meistra å gå på ski.

Med vennleg helsing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amazing photos, looks like you had a great easter exercise, did you see any rabit hopping around?
Thank you for sharing, definitely earns a resteem and have a nice day! :)

p.s. nice to meet you, that chocolate looks delicious :P

Haha, no rabbits, unfortunately!
Thanks, that’s so Nice of you. I appreciate it.

Hehe happy Easter :)

Do you know what Kvikk Lunsj is? It’s the reason why we Norwegians go skiing.

Haha, that's spot on. It would be just crazy to go on a skiing trip without a Kvikk Lunsj in your backpack!

I envy you! Would be so relaxing to spend easter in Lapland or some other wonderful place like that Suldal (never been there but looks amazing). I love skiing although I suck at it! :D It's still such a good form of exercise and you get to enjoy nature and those snack breaks at the same time.

Have a great time out there

Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That looks like some great exercise and some epic views. Did you encounter any wildlife on your way to or from the cabin?

koselig det. god påske. og pass på å ikke få kalorifall hehe

susanne I am very fond of photography
and I am very excited that you have to post
it in ours like this. Another thing you love
is that I'm interested in you @biplob0136

Oh, Thank you so much!

You are so lucky.enjoying with family is the experience that never be replaced.anyhow beauiful pics and HAPPY EASTER.

I agree. Family time is the best. Happy Easter to you too! Do you have some plans for Easter?

1)praising lord
2)going to oldage homes to donate some money.

Beautiful! I wish I did more skiing while living in Alaska.