Get Your Eater On - Sightseeing in The Ryfylke Fjords

in travel •  7 years ago 

I love life at the cabin. It’s quiet, fun and relaxing at the same time. I woke up at our family cabin today, only to discover that it had snowed during the night. It was so beautiful! The sun came out and melted most of it away, but there’s luckily a lot of snow up in the mountains for when we go skiing on the weekend.


My dad built the cabin when I was about three years old, so I’ve got many wonderful memories from my childhood from this place. The cabin is in the fjords in the western part of Norway. It’s located right on the sea, but it’s also just a short drive up to the mountains where we can go skiing.

Here’s our view:


My awesome dad and I, out for a walk!


If you like fishing for salmon, this river is the place to be!



Snow on the lake


I love the snow


The fjord, the mountains and the snow. Does it get any better?


The neighborhood


I love walking on these roads. There are absolutely no cars here. With music on my ears I can walk forever and forget about time and place. The fact that I’ve got one week off, sunny weather and quality time with family ahead is also quite nice!


I hope you’re all doing well!


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Seems like a lovely place @Susanne.
I would not mind trying the luck for salmon fishing in that small river :)

It is very interesting to me that a place like Norway has salmon and so does Western Canada on the other side of the world. It's crazy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Mange takk for nok ein serie med fine bilde og ein interessant
historie @Susanne.
Eg har fått lese mange av blogginnlegga dine, og har funne at dei spenner over eit vidt spekter av tema og er illustrert med gode bilete, anten det er matrettar eller skildringar av ulike stader du besøkjer.
Dette gjer at innlegga dine alltid er lesverdige og vekkjer mi interesse.
Eg la og merke til at du tok deg tid til å skriva gode og grundige svar på alle dei spørsmåla du fekk om ulike tema. Det er ein både nyttig og verdifull post som eg kjem til å lesa på nytt for å læra av erfaringane dine @Susanne.

Med beste helsing

This is probably one of the things that I love the most about Norway: family cabins, simple hideouts in incredibly beautiful nature with just the basic comfort so you can enjoy a nice talk after a good hike. Such a great concept and say hi to your good dad ;)

Thanks for introducing the beautiful world with us and it's emotional post too because every dad knows the path of happiness for their children and in my opinion he took absolutely right decision to create an cabin here because this place is really cut offed from the fake and the world of rat race and you can experience the natural and organic life while exploring the true beauty of nature, and i really want to explore these type of places because i really want to stay close to nature. Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

wow that looks beautiful. never been to norway but it´s definitely on the list

so fine! nature in Norway is awesome! ;)

Thanks. Yes, it’s pretty nice up here. I sometimes forget how lucky I am to live here.

Ingenting slår Ryfylket! Det er så vakkert og det kommer frem på bildene! Hvor drar dere på ski til helgen? Er det Gullingen som er nærmest hytta? Digger den gule luen din💛

Det er fint her, ja! Det blir nok Sauda for slalom og Gullingen for langrenn. Og Gullingen er nærmest ja.
Ingen skjult mening bak den, ref. Turistforeningen.

Høres perfekt ut! Hehe, tenkte faktisk ikke på det, men nå gjør jeg det😄

Absolutely beautiful! I love the snow as well hahaha

This is really awesome.

The bird you are holding is live or toy?

Your dad looks very young.

Guess he is good in exercises

Happy holy week and funfilld Easter celebration.

Aah, I need to travel jorth soon! Its so beautiful!

It looks like a beautiful part of Norway! No wonder you have such good memories as a child. A bit early, but Happy Easter to you 😊


Yes, it’s amazing here. Happy Easter to you too! 😎😎