My gourmet adventure with Ned.

in travel •  8 years ago 

Right now I'm in disbelief, I met Ned in Hong Kong, the real Ned, not his picture or him in a video. Last night I found out by chance that Ned was in Hong Kong on business for one week, by coincidence I was on my travels and happened to be at Hong Kong for this week too, so we arranged to meet for a meal. So, today's Miss. Delicious will be introduced by myself and Ned!

Ned said he was really interested in trying out dumplings so I knew I had to take him to Hong Kong's Din Tai Fung in Tsim Sha Tsui.

When we first arrived, Din Tai Fung was just getting ready to open.
This entrance is where the take away service is, isn't it so convenient to have tasty dumplings delivered to your doorstep?
I chose a table by the window for a nice view of the area. As you can see, the scenery was great.
I was very excited to meet Ned for the first time here in Hong Kong, the chances of meeting randomly are indeed very slim, especially since both of us are leaving Hong Kong the next day. It's like fate worked in our favour. But anyway, it's better late than never right?
Because of my Visa expiring, I was regretfully unable to attend Steemfest, and I guess meeting Ned this time makes up for it a little. My Christmas wish was granted!
Ned is such a sweet guy in person, even though this was the first time we met, it was like meeting an old friend. When taking a picture of the dumplings, I held a basket of dumplings up and Ned was quick to cooperate.
As we ate, we talked casually about a lot of things, of course, Steemit was the headline subject and he was happy to share his views of how the site will grow in the future, how limitless it could be. We also spoke of the early adopters and how they are like guardians of Steemit, contributing to it's growth as the the site gets better and better and of course how we look forward to more Steemians joining the ranks.
Ned is like the nucleus of us all, helping to keep us steady and cohesive, boosting morale and confidence. I'm very moved by that.
Below, lets take a look at the menu of Din Tai Fung
The stuffing's of the buns and dumplings are illustrated with pictures of the meats inside. Prawns, beef, pork etc.
Din Tai Fung is most well known for it's Steamed Dumplings, in 2010, it was given a 1 Star rating in by Michelin and was also recommended by the New York Times as one of the world's 10 most defining gourmet restaurants.
Through the transparent windows, you can see the kitchen and the chef's busy preparing the delicious dumplings.
Here, you can see an interesting guide on how to eat the dumplings. Ned absolutely loves dumplings and clearly knows how to use chopsticks very well. I don't think he really needs this guide to be honest!
Below lets take a look at me and Ned's gourmet adventure:
String bean with minced pork. It tasted a little bit crispy, Ned really liked this one.
Home made ham jelly
Black fungus with vinegar sauce
Drunken chicken in Shaoxing rice wine
Deep fried chicken and shrimp spring roll
Steamed Black Truffle and pork dumplings. The stuffing and soup are wrapped inside the dumpling, tastes fabulous. Ned said he wished he could eat this back in America.
Steamed mushroom vegetarian dumplings
After dinner, we headed off to the Steemit meetup hosted by Bitcoin HK
Everybody was really passionate and enthusiastic about Steemit, it seems like there were endless things to talk about. I must say, it was a very magical and breathtaking night, with Steemit and with Ned.

到现在我都不敢相信,我在香港见到Ned,是真正的Ned,不是在照片上或者视频里。昨天晚上偶然得知Ned来香港出差一周,而这一周我正巧也在香港,所以立刻和Ned约好了一起共进晚餐,所以今天的Miss Delicious由我和Ned一起来介绍,因为Ned很好奇中国的饺子,所以我们选在香港的市中心---尖沙咀的鼎泰丰。刚到的时候,鼎泰丰还没有开始营业。这个口是餐厅的外卖部,非常方便饺子就送到家啦。我特意选择了窗边的位置,这里望出去的景色非常好好。我非常激动迎来了Ned,能在香港碰面也是一种缘份呢,并且明天我们就都离开香港了,所以不早不晚,我终于见到Ned。想到由于签证问题没能去阿姆斯特丹参加Steemfest非常遗憾,这次也是一种弥补,好了,我圣诞节的愿望算是实现了。Ned本人非常亲切,虽然第一次见面,但感觉就像见到了多年的老朋友。拍照的时候我抱起一笼屉饺子,Ned竟然也非常配合我,抱起饺子。吃饭的时候我们聊了很多轻松的话题,聊起Steemit的将来,有着无限发展的空间,聊到我们早期的用户,守护着Steemit,一起陪伴着Steemit成长并越来越好,Steemians队伍也将越来越壮大。而Ned就像一个团队的核心人物,为团队带来坚定的凝聚力,鼓舞着大家的信心,真的很感动。鼎泰丰以小笼包闻名,2010年被评为米其林1星餐厅,也曾被《纽约时报》推荐为“世界十大美食餐厅”之一。透明玻璃的厨房,厨师们忙碌的做饺子。这是有趣的小笼包吃法的指导。Ned非常喜欢吃小笼包,并且他非常会用筷子,当然也不需要这个指南啦。下面一起来看看我和Ned的美食探险之旅:干煸四季豆/原味水晶火腿肉/凉拌黑木耳/绍兴醉鸡/鸡丝虾仁春卷/黑松露小笼包/香菇素饺。之后我们去参加了香港的Steemit meetup。每个人都对于Steemit有非常大的热情,不得不说,真的是非常愉快的夜晚,和Steemit,和Ned。

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Where's Dan? 😭

Brushing up on his Spanish for his trip to Anarchapulco in February :-)

is that a steemit event? I don't know much about it..

Dan Larimer will be speaking there. It is organized by @dollarvigilante. I know of a few steemsters who will be there.

He left HK early, it would have been great to meet him too!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes and it's sad for him to miss that good dinner!
(I love Dintaifung too, especially juicy xiaolongbao)

You have really good taste! Is there dintaifung where you are?

Its in Southern California and Seoul both!

Great opportunity to meet and catch up with Ned, and the food looks amazing!

I love authentic dumplings, the soft dough, flavorful meet filling, and the juice inside.. my inner Mr. Gourmet is taking over!

Mr. Gourmet! I hope I did you proud!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Does anyone think Ned and his smile look like Tom Cruise? :)

I can see the similarity definitely. Looks like he might a long lost twin brother.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

edited the photo. :) . well, some similarity and some difference. indeed. same radiant smiles definitely!

@sweetsssj - Ned's great and all, but THAT FOOD!!! ;)

The food oh my gosh.. Ned was really set on having dumplings, and so we just had to visit the mecca of dumplings. I think he was very happy :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

So Awesomely Fantastical!


Thanks kurtbeil :)

Wow, what an epic time, with an epic dude! Thanks for sharing....resteemed!

Thanks crypt0, much appreciated as always :)

The steemit guardians hahaha... Love that

Reminds me of that movie, what was it, guardians of the galaxy hehe

Yes oh my god can we do that!! It would be like a steemit comic con haha

I want to be the cute baby root


awesome food, awesome company, awesome night!

just excellent
i wish i could be there, missing chinese food :D
hen lihai !

xie xie! Who knows what fate might bring us in the future! Chinese food is just exquisite

@sweetsssj, feed him well! We need him strong and healthy! : )

Indeed, nothing but the best for our spiritual leader!

Steeming Dumplings. They look fantastic!!!


Even though they look simple, they are actually very delicately made! Very tasty.

Thanks !

the funny thing is that pharmaceutical companies in europe, banned and were trolling string beans... for not being good for health.. but in the opposite, they are considered on the same category as the other superfoods...

Really, I honestly had no idea! But they are so rich in fibre and anti oxidants right?

pharmaceutical companies always ban good stuff.. so they can sell them as cures and medicine later...

Vey nice post, it's so good to see both of you together and alllll that lovely food too.

Thanks, it really was a pleasure to spend some time with the main man! Even better with the delicious food :)

I'm so glad that you had this nice experience and that you reported on it so well!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Thank you kus-knee, an experience definitely to be remembered!

Awesome! What a wonderful chance meeting!
I'm sorry you couldn't make it to SteemFest though. It would have been good to meet you.


We'll have to make sure we meet at the next one ! :)

That would be awesome :)

RS and UV for you! This post is so awesome, there are no words really.

Great pictures, great detail of your night, what a time that would have been!

Awesome post and adventure!!! I am just a Minnow learning my way but man, I would have loved to be there!!! Exciting!

Thanks very much barry, nice to see you for the first time, I can confirm it was a great night :)

I followed you awhile ago, I believe I posted on your post one day, but the issues here have dumped a bunch of people I have followed... I know it is an ongoing issue. I re-followed you just now. I re follow some of my fav. people on here and the next day they are gone again LOL!

Oh my apologies! My brain isn't working very well today. Thanks for dropping by again then! And thanks for the follow!

Wonderful! It must've been divine timing. The food looks delicious. Ned is a great guy, my wife and I didn't have get a chance to talk to him extensively at SteemFest but had a brief chat during a canal boat ride on the way to the Tobacco Theatre. I'm glad you both had a good time!

Hi eric! You're right, it was divine timing indeed, unplanned that we're in the same part of the world even though we're both not based in HK.

Wow the canal ride sounds so nice, I really regret not being able to make it to steemfest, but this kind of makes up for it, and i'll also make sure I won't miss out on the future ones!

I'm sure your time in Hong Kong was equally as enjoyable! I'm sorry you missed SteemFest but hope to see you at SteemFest 2!

that is super awesome you got to hang out!

it was supper awesome! (get the pun? -.0)

ha! for sure! :)


I really wish you had some video of the two of you. That would have been perfect for @winstonwolfe's sitewide video collaboration!

We do actually have a very short video clip! I shall share that with you soon!

That would be amazing. He's only looking for short clips and taking 1-second portions.
In case you missed it, here is a 6-second sample he did...and he's been trying to get 200-300 Steemians to contribute! Here is his post

Posted on the main thread of submissions! :)

That's Ned's video submission in the bag! Now we just need to harass dan haha

YAY! That's awesome :D thank you.

you're very welcome dear! Hope it's good!


谢谢啦 : ) @myfirst

Awww the dumplings look so yum. Asian food is just the best!

I have to respectfully agree!!

It all looks so delicious! I wish i was there , you are a very lucky lady ! Thanks so much for shareing ! Steem on ! 👍🎄

The food was fantastic, but also with great company of course !

You are so right ! Steem on ! 👍🎄

Wow amazing.

It was amazing experience for sure. Honoured to meet the man himself and also introduce me to the steemit meet up too. Great food, great company, great experience.

Speechless. I'm happy for you.

This is a great post for all the sceptics who didn’t believe that @sweetsssj was a real person behind her account on Steem. This post has proven that she is who she says she is – once and for all. Well done, @sweetsssj! And Ned – you're a lucky person to have met her in person. Seriously, I'm jealous! ;)

Thanks for the vote of confidence oleg, I think i'm definitely the lucky one! Don't be jealous!

Wow lucky you.

Very lucky ☺️!



wow wow !!!
awesome ~~~^^

twas awesome indeed, thanks!

I wish I was in Hong Kong! Looks so beautiful, and the!

I will try to share some more views of Hong Kong, it's particularly beautiful at night. The skyline is simply the best. And the food, well i'll let the pictures do the talking!

Wow that food looks tasty. I may have to go for Dim Sum this weekend. Though Hong Kong dumplings are the best!

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. Hong Kong dumplings can't be beaten. But I guess dim sum will have to make do until you go!

Pretty cool.

Veerrrrry Cool!

What! That's so cool! Can't lie, I'm a little jealous. Looks like you guys had a such a fun time! Great post :)

thanks guerrint, have to admit I was pretty jealous of not being to come to steemfest.. hopefully will see everyone at the next one!

Wow, thanks for another great picture story!
Your post has done two things for me:

  • I am now quite hungry!
  • You have gotten me smiling! 😋


Thanks creatr, your gif has got me smiling too, thanks for the xmas wishes :)

There are actually is a Din Tai Fung in America. Don't know how good it is compared to the original ones in China, though.

Oh, that's something i didn't know, perhaps for authenticity, best to stick to the ones in China..

I don't know who to be more jealous of.

must be all that tasty food ..


谢谢, 是很巧合的机遇啦~~

  ·  8 years ago 

Who is Ned? :)

Steemit CEO and co founder

  ·  8 years ago 


How cool it is that you got to meet Ned? He seems like a nice guy and smart. The food looks delicious too.

Very cool! He's definitely very nice and very sweet, smart goes without question i think. I was really glad to help him experience the dumplings he so badly longed for ..

Amazing photos! Looks great ;)

thanks, I didn't bring my usual big camera out as it's a little heavy to carry around so these were all with my phone!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wow, wow, wow... how fortunate is that. not you or Ned but Din Tai Fung fortunate to have the both of you. Did you impart the skills of eating xiaolongbao to Ned?
I'd think for HK, must have dimsum too.

Ned seemed to know how to eat xiaolongbao very well. More surprising was how well he used chopsticks. Unfortunately we're both leaving HK so won't be able to get another meal at Dim Sum, but perhaps in the future one day.

Haha.... that means he have eaten them quite a bit before.

I'll go there, n meet another Ned...

Haha well meeting Ned's long lost brother isn't a bad thing right?

yummy..this food very delicious.. nice story guys

certainly was yummy, delicious is my speciality!

Eerything but one photo, is good! :)

Yeah, unfortunately the selfie turned out a bit blurry but I tried !

Awesome post! I have a long way to go to make my dumplings look that nice :)

If only I could make my dumplings that nice.. I'm still a far way off I think!

fabulous trip,wish I could met him someday 2.

I'm sure the opportunity will come some day..

You must be destined for each other :D

.. very funny ~.~

Haha sorry you just look like a happy couple xD
Was it romantic? The date? :)

Bon appetit :)

Merci beaucoup!

Se ve todo muy delicioso

I am surprised that Din Tai Fung has everything subtitled in Japanese. (well... and english and korean too) I guess they serve a lot of foreigners.

My favorite is Cha Siu Bao 叉燒包.

I am glad you had fun with Ned. ^_^

I think it's a very well known restaurant, particularly to people travelling around who are looking for prime places to eat. Naturally, there are plenty of Japanese and Korean visitors. Of course English is a must.

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WHEW man... These foods look so good.

Sure do! Definitely deserves the michelin star rating i think .

I am so glad that you are having such a successful post, congrats!

Thanks gringalicious!

Very cool! Hope i could met @ned in person too.jelous. lol 😂😂 hey i have a poem entitled CALM. Feel free to checked it out.Here's the link Thanks! 😊😊😊


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