Travel with me #42 : Lets take a trip to the 51st Hong Kong Brand & Products EXPO

in travel •  8 years ago 

Dear Steemit Friends:

In my recent visit to Hong Kong, I happened to come across the Hong Kong Brand & Product Expo being held near Tong Lo Wan, Victoria Park. The expo itself is actually held outside and consists of many exhibitions of local brands and products. This is the first brands and products expo I've ever attended, but I have a feeling it won't be my last!
The Brands & Products Expo has been held in Hong Kong for 43 times, the first in 1928. In recent years, it has become a yearly event, one that is recognized and known by all people in Hong Kong. Each event runs for 24 days, during which, it will attract up to 2 million visitors! It's also since expanded its events to outside of Hong Kong, for instance, the expo which was held in Shanghai in 2004.
The expo is held almost entirely outdoors, with most of the exhibitions setting their stalls up in Hong Kong's "Reclaimed Land" area. Together, the exhibitions make for quite a magnificent show. I found a picture here from the official website of part of the exhibitions shot from high up. If you want to find out more, you can visit the Official Website.

Every Brand & Products Expo there's also a Beauty Pagent contest which now has 60 years of history!


In one of my previous blogs about Hong Kong, a Steemit friend asked me what the markets are like in Hong Kong. This expo is a perfect opportunity to showcase what a real what a real Hong Kong market is like! Just so you know, little ol' me navigating through the mass hordes of people was a very difficult task! Getting the photos below was quite some task!
Hopefully you guys enjoy the photos!

Here is the entry ticket, you get a free guide with the tickets.
From the map plan of the expo and the list of exhibitors, you can get an idea of how large scale this expo is!
There are so many people at the entrance.
Each exhibitor will have their own stall where they will show some of their new products as well as sell their existing ones. Usually, there will be some discounts for buying their products at the expo, that's why the attendees love coming here to do some shopping, it's all about the discounts!
There are many famous brands exhibiting here, even some designer brands.At the expo, there are always some special offers and discounts, so it's a very good opportunity for the price conscious shopaholic!
Most of the people will bring large bags with them knowing that they'll make a lot of purchases. Many will even bring a travel bag with a pull handle to pull along, essentially their own shopping trolley.
These are the cute stalls selling food products. They made them look like mini houses.
Health Products, discounts a top of more discounts!

There are lots of seafood products being exhibited and for sale too. Hanging on this stall, you can see what the locals call "Hua Jiao Gong" which is essentially fish maw. This is a product often compared to Ginseng for it's health benefits and high nutritional content. Not only is it high in protein, it's also low in fat. Many people were fighting to get their hands on these !

The business is really good, you'll often seen stock being replenished throughout the day.
These are delicious prawn crackers. We had a look at these before in my post about Thai food.
These are hot dogs, what's interesting is they are sold in what look like badminton racket cases.
Childres Medicine for sale.
Taiwanese style sausages.
This is Tongrentang from Beijing. It is a very famous traditional Chinese Medicine company which was established in 1669 during the Qing Dynasty.
Tongrentang has provided medicine for 8 different Chinese Emperors spanning 188 years of history.
To this day, Tongrentang remains the first choice for people seeking treatment with traditional Chinese medicine.
Various special products like Indian Swallows Nest, Uighur Jujubes and Snow lotus seeds for sale.
This store sells the most amount of abalone in Hong Kong, here they are running some sales in their own little exhibit and proving to be just as popular.
There's also a company called Safewell selling their high quality safe boxes.
Here is a stall selling instant noodles which have not been oil fried! (Yes instant noodles are usually fried in oil!)
7 pouches of Instant noodles, each with 10 individual instant noodle packets for 100 HKD! Incredible deal!
After hearing this woman with the mic speak, I was thoroughly impressed at her ability to sell.
These are various soup bases.
The people on this street are so passionate about their shopping!
Bed Sheet Stall
Various air sealed dried foods.
Various hand tearing meats.
Below are various Hong Kong's special meat pastries and other snacks. I don't know about you, but when I see these, I suddenly have an appetite!
I managed to pick up quite a few desserts as presents for my family in Shenzhen.
And that wraps up my visit to Hong Kongs 51st Brand & Products Expo. It was a very long day with lots of walking and my legs have run out of steam! If you're curious as to what markets are like in Hong Kong and what kind of lifestyle local people lead, then make sure you pay a visit to one of many markets like these in Hong Kong, I'm sure you will discover many things you never knew before! Thanks for reading!

因为之前在香港游玩的时候,正好住在铜锣湾维多利亚公园边上,正好赶上第51个工展会在铜锣湾维多利亚公园举行。香港国际工业出品展销会是香港工业产品的大型展览会。历史悠久,从1928年的每一年起,为期24天的工展在香港可以说是会家喻户晓。 Website每届工展会的举行都会伴随工展小姐的举行,共有近60年历史,为香港选美的始袓。接下来就带着大家走进园内看看工展会都卖些什么吧!记得之前写香港游记的时候,有steemit朋友问我关于香港市集的问题,下面就来带大家感受一下真正的市集吧!在人挤人的环境下,我抢拍到接下来的照片真的很不容易,希望大家喜欢!最重要的是,很多大名牌产品会在展会上打折销售,所以对于在香港生活的人们来说是一次疯狂购物的好机会。大部分人背着大袋子,甚至拉着拉杆箱,购物车来买。这些可爱的卖食物的小房子。各种水产品海鲜,挂着一排像黄色的花一样的,叫做花胶公其实就是鱼肚,有着海洋人参的美名,富含高级胶原蛋白,是最理想的高蛋白质低脂肪食物,很多人在抢购。这里生意很旺,还有大箱子运货的。好吃的虾片,之前在写泰国美食的时候提到过。这是火腿的包装,怎么看着好像装羽毛球拍的袋子。这是北京同仁堂,非常有名的中药房。创建于1669年的清朝。一直供奉给皇帝吃的药,历经8代皇帝一共188年。如今也是喜欢中医治病的人看病和买药治病的首选。各种特产,印度雪燕,新疆红枣,雪莲子等等。在这么多人逛街的情况下,买东西是要用抢得,就连我拿手机照相也是很困难。下面是各种香港特色的馅饼和小吃,大家看了会不会和我一样,也肚子饿呢?正好快要回深圳了,所以买了不少点心带回去给家人尝尝。今天的工展会就探索到这里了,逛完市集腿劲也走没了,如果大家想感受热闹的香港,并且看看本地人的生活,别忘了去市集逛一逛,你一定会有新的发现。希望大家喜欢我的文章。

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By the looks of it, the corporations are also taking over the people and lands of China... In some ways a rather sad state of affair. Glad to see you easy smile and great pictures, awesome write up this time around too! Namaste :)

Indeed. It's difficult to escape corporate China, especially with how much influence they wield over so many aspects of our lives.

Goo thing there's a tidal wave of blockchain rising slowly exposing the potential for us all individually or as group to become our own corporation and reestablishing a balanced harmony between all humans. May the force stay with you. Namaste :)

Really sweet :)

See thanks ! I guess my name suits me??

very informative and beautiful photos.

amazing pics and story!


this is a very cool post

Thanks untone19 , it was a very cool event too!

This is like a fantastic one stop shop to buy gifts and snack if you are there at the right time. One thing I wonder is what happens when it rains.

The show goes on! Raining has never fazed the true bargain hunter!

i'm sure the show goes on but guess many will run for shelter and the bargain hunters will get better bargains then. :-)

interesting !

Fascinating too!

Stunning posts you make. It is very interesting! And you are beautiful :) I follow you!

Aw thanks! I try to keep things interesting!

Congratulations for the choice of trip dear friend @sweetsssj, beautiful images, a beautiful place, great colorful.

thanks jlufer ~~

Very good post!

thank you olga! :)

Hi buddy. like old photos? Come visit my blog.



what an amazing looking place!

Sure is! another amazing thing is the land itself where the exhibits are set up, is actually 'reclaimed' land. In other words, it's a patch of land that used to be the sea, and now it's been filled with rocks and cement to make this man made land. Much needed as Hong Kong land area is very small!

Waoo Hong Kong Brand & Product Expo is incredible, in the fair of my city in venezuela also make an expo but does not compare with how huge is Hong Kong, thanks for sharing it ;)

I'm sure there are some special events held in Venezuela too; It's actually hard not to come across this kind of event in Hong Kong because of how many people are talking about it and visiting.. Hong Kong's also not a terribly big place so any major event such as this will be advertised everywhere!

I am really glad to see this post. It's very interesting!

you're very welcome!!

everything looks so bright and colorful, nice pics.

indeed, that's one of their secrets! The bright and vivid colors make the products irresistible !

I've never been to Hong Kong and now I want to go and visit. Thank you. Steem on!

Great post again. Always makes me feel happier. How did you get to having such a great lifestyle?