in travel •  8 years ago  (edited)

The first thing that came to mind is that this trip its the easiest way to end up as the slave of some weird dude in some remote part of the world.

Then I thought well that's the best case scenario , it could be worse to just get kidnapped and tortured until being released and left with psychological scars.

And then I thought: "Fear can't stop me I am going to Lisbon!" Everything is going to be ok right guys?

Ri-Right guys?

Travelling alone to Lisboa its a challenge

And I am not gonna lie about it , it is a really scary thing to do!

Imagine going to all those places alone without knowing a word of the language, its the best adevnture and possibly the most crazy.

And that's exactly the reason why I want to go!

One thing I have learned from years of becoming more social and speaking with girls (thanks to @sashadaygame) its that being scared is the first step to getting better, in fact its the best feeling to have as it reminds you of your humanity and how fragile it is. Being scared is a huge motivation if used correctly, like I am doing now :p.

In the end I want to travel with a friend, he is @fakj94 and he made his post in spanish (I will be his translator hahaha)

I am from Venezuela and without your help I probably won't be able to go to the Steemfest!

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You most know that many people in Lisbon also speak English so you shouldn't be scared

It always worth to travel I hope you gonna do it. It is such an amzing city.The weather, beaches, clubs and food all really good.

Thanks man I hope so too!

Yay!! I hope you two get to go! careful with human trafficking though.. jk!

Hahahaha Pero si , literal eso fue lo primero que pense

Jajajaja el país nos tiene trastornados.

Literal jajajaja

I traveled a lot when I was young and enjoyed it.

Did you traveled alone ? How was it ?

Lisbon is awesome man... you'll love it! Enjoy!

Oh man I really hope to go!

I am going to write about people who have anxiety. But you've got it and are flaunting it! Keep it up, go for broke.
Break a leg, and all that jazz.

Hahahaha Thanks!