a visit to Terschelling

in travel •  6 years ago 

We visited the island (and yacht harbour) of Terschelling, it was nice. Here are some photos and impressions ...

Long harbour

The main harbour is rather long ... this area is not for pleasure crafts, except for one area for traditional dutch flat-bottom ships and some few boats with special permissions. There are two ferries going to Harlingen, one fast catamaran and a bigger ferry with space for cars. Some fishing boats and other activity.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3638763333333,5.22214983333333 - 2018-07-24 11:33:35 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Here are some of the flat-bottomed ships, photo taken just as we were leaving. There was really a lot of ships when we arrived late in the evening. The amounts of ships there in the daytime was less impressive.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3608131388889,5.21845672222222 - 2018-07-24 17:22:38 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

There is also a storage space for bouys on land. As the mud dunes and sand banks are always moving, they need to maintain the markings quite often. I wonder if bouys are lost and needs to be replaced, or they pick up outdated bouys, repaint tem and store them on land before putting them out again? When we arrived in the darkness the evening before, the bouys were blinking on land, it was quite an amazing sight. The big lighthouse in the middle of the town is a sweeping lighthouse, and it was also throwing light all over the harbour. Day and night are two very different things, it's often nice to be able to experience both when visiting some place.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3624534444444,5.21967980555556 - 2018-07-24 11:35:37 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Town centre

The town centre was charming, though my expectations were probably too high - our neighbour yesterday said it looked like it hadn't changed for hundreds of years. I think it looked more like just any commercial tourist centre. When we arrived a bit earlier it was a long queue for the bicycle rent. It seems like one really need a bike to enjoy Terschelling properly. My wife went out biking a bit with her Brompton, and our youngest daughter on the trailer.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3585548333333,5.21549175 - 2018-07-24 11:44:01 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

In the center of the town there is the lighthouse, it's quite big and nice.

Northern sea beach

Unfortunately I have no pictures ... my wife was biking there, and she reports it was fantastic! A bit like some of the French beaches facing the Atlantic ocean.

Wadden sea beach

Lots of people were bathing inside the yacht harbour - despite signs explicitly telling it's forbidden. I never go bathing in yacht harbours ... for one thing it can be dangerous, not only due to boat traffic, but also due to the risk of electricity leakages. Well, I guess those dangers are insignificant ... but there is another reason as well, I think it's disgusting. The water is usually not that clean inside boat harbours ... think of it, all the boats have poisonous paint on the hull to prevent getting overgrown with aquaric life. Pretty much all of the boats let greywater go directly into the harbour ... dirty water after doing dishes, shower water, etc. Some boats may also release blackwater ... either by accident, due to overfilled holding tanks, or simply because the boat has toilets with outlet diretly to the sea, without a holding tank. In addition there is sometimes some oil spills, diesel spills or similar. With such a high density of boats it just cannot be good. I guess there normally aren't that many people bathing ... but it was really hot, and it was also slightly non-trivial to go bathing in the Wadden sea on low water.

The sand/mud here at Terschelling was very different from the sand/mud at Cuxhaven - and there were different types of sand as well, as can be seen here.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3656654166667,5.22666311111111 - 2018-07-24 14:20:33 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

The sand here, a bit wet, quite much "alive", and a bit smelly, it's certainly not as attractive as the sand on a beaches facing the north sea - but for building sand castles it's just perfect!

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3656425277778,5.22659680555556 - 2018-07-24 14:20:36 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

I did want to go bathing indeed ... and it seemed possible, just that one first had to get out to this island.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.36569975,5.22660491666667 - 2018-07-24 14:20:54 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

On the way there I encountered some black very liquid and not so fresh-smelling mud under the sand. It was slippery as well, just luck that I didn't fall. I gave up on my first attempt to get to the island.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3653793333333,5.22704313888889 - 2018-07-24 14:22:36 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3653945833333,5.22710322222222 - 2018-07-24 14:22:39 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

A bit later, some lady tried going the same route as me - but she was a bit more insistent. It's probably not much visible, but she got the black mud all up to high on her thights before she gave up and tried getting back again.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3655738611111,5.22667644444444 - 2018-07-24 14:54:02 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

The solution was to go a bit further to the left and cross there - it was almost no black mud at all there. I got out with water to my stomach, it was really refreshing to just stand there in the water and let it flow around my body. I didn't do swimming as I still had my t-shirt on (protecting my sunburnt shoulders and back against the sun) and anyway nowhere to put it). Eventually the sand castle came to completion.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3654441666667,5.22663686111111 - 2018-07-24 15:40:05 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3655776944444,5.22656486111111 - 2018-07-24 15:49:04 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3656883055556,5.22626686111111 - 2018-07-24 15:49:36 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

The hill and the yacht harbour

Directly behind the yacht harbour and Wadden sea beach there was a hill. I imagined The Netherlands to be perfectly flat, but here is the exception! Of course I love climbing hills to get some better view. (that's an experience I probably will miss, once we all get our own personal drones flying around taking pictures from above wherever we go). Here is the yacht harbour and my son on the beach. I found the view rather amazing as one could study the geometry of the mud dunes and banks from there.

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3654403611111,5.224246 - 2018-07-24 14:44:58 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

... the view towards the left looks like this ...

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3667335277778,5.22735163888889 - 2018-07-24 14:47:48 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

I took some photos of the backside also, but not so interessting, just a car road and some trees.

I will not write a separate review-post for this harbour. I would definitively stay by anchor if I'm to get back here. Nothing bad at all to say about the harbour or the facilities ... except that it's too popular, hence it's overfilled and they have relatively high prices as well - I paid more than EUR 40 for the stay. Here are two boats wanting to stay at the outside of a long row with boat:

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3651847777778,5.22534177777778 - 2018-07-24 16:40:40 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Photo by tobixen - position: geo:53.3653297222222,5.22380780555556 - 2018-07-24 17:14:39 localtime - CC BY-SA 4.0

Selected photos available in original quality on IPFS QmaG3yJ3mFCCBurfdASikJQDUP2DF9xyVTB5np1NZBCMVR. All photos taken available in original quality on IPFS QmWHqfafkJHvinTDRCMEFVzvEq6sUGa4ZeQ7bgBJ6ziCAA. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Nice tour. All the pictures are beautiful but below one I liked most. It reminds me my childhood. We used to play like this and made some stuff with full of imagination but sometimes turned out as meaningless. Thanks for sharing.

He was really into it, showing what every room should be used for, and wondering how it would withstand the high water. Too bad we didn't get time to see it taken by the water. Or, maybe a good thing, he could have become rather disappointed to see how volatile a sand castle can be.

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Ute og seiler? 😊ser strålende ut...har en kar på snart 17 i hus som leser seg opp og skal ha eksamen i oktober, så har vært på Crewbay og sett etter noen båter han kan seile med for å innhente erfaring...bare skrik ut om du har plass i noen dager/uker, det hadde vært helt fantastisk!

Crewbay? Den har jeg ikke hørt om. Har registrert profil på findacrew.net, men det er umulig å kommunisere uten premium-medlemsskap, og premium var skrekkelig dyrt.

Båten blir stående en uke på verft her i København nå, deretter har vi lånt den bort til min svigersøster med familie i to uker, så den er ikke tilgjengelig før mot slutten av måneden - deretter skal jeg ta den mot Oslo. Fruen snakker om å få med seg noen venner og kanskje ta med hele familien, i såfall er det ikke plass ... men hvis jeg drar ned uten henne, så er alt av hjelp velkommen ... alt fra kommentarer på hvordan man trimmer seilene bedre til å bare sitte ved styreposisjon mens kapteinen tar seg en blund, og vekke kapteinen ved behov.

Crewbay er ok, har benyttet meg av den siden ved et par anledninger for å finne en båt når jeg var på reisefot - faktisk også der jeg fant Draken Harald Hårfagre, så den har kommet handy in på en måte.

Aha, ser den - flott lite skip du har, iallefalll det jeg så ut ifra bildene, og som du sier det er vel ikke optimalt om det er familie opplegg å dra med seg venner og bekjennte. Uansett, skulle det åpne seg en mulighet - så ikke vær redd for å gi meg et signal, kan hende det er en åpning for meg også å ta meg en seiltur om det er behov. Vi bor jo for tiden i Praha, så det er litt begrenset med muligheter her - til tross for dette så var vi på et elvecruise for et par dager siden. Meditasjon på høyt nivå, foruten at de hadde et husorkester som spilte alt mulig slags sanger som ikke fenget øret mitt og tok litt av gleden med opplevelsen.

Ha en videre fin tur, og som sagt - send meg en e-post på: [email protected] - det er ikke alltid jeg får med meg alle kommentarer og sånn på Steemit. Øyvind heter jeg.

it is very similar to fuel oil - a liquid product of dark brown color, the residue after separation from oil or its products of secondary processing of gasoline, kerosene and gas oil fractions...

Thanks for the great photos, @tobixen

it washed off relatively easily in seawater, unlike fuel oil :-)

You have some fun trips @tobixen, thanks for sharing.

you're brave
I wouldn't go on foot there
from what I know we always use rain boots to go around there

nice shots btw

I don't know why this post's pictures are not opening in my window but this place looks pretty exciting and worth spending some time.
I am also sharing series of my visits to different places of my country. you can check out at my blog if you consider doing.
Thank you for sharing with us

try again in five minutes. photos should be available.

Yes, now they are available.
The place looks very organized and the beach with the kid it is so adorable.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment