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The ice cream looks really fancy. Would love to visit Las Vegas as well!

Wow, I love the photos, it looks like your trip really was fun.

amazing pictures, amazing post thanks to share it in our group :

Bro please tell me you went shopping on 5th ave NY.

I didn't go to New York, sadly. I really want to come to New York some time, though!

Haha, next time you come, feel free to hit me up. I'll show you around, and i promise im not a creep lol im just new to steem

Haha, it's all good! Thanks for the offer, however the next few times I'm going places, it will probably be other European countries or Asia. You know, I should try some diversity!

Wow, you had a trip and a half.

Great tour to the beautiful cites :)

Definitely some beautiful cities! Vegas caught me by surprise.

You've visited a lot of the tourist locations, which is a must if you're visiting for the first time. It seems like you enjoy nature and outdoor since the best part was Grand Canyon for you. If you ever visit Las Vegas again, an hour drive away is this beautiful state park called the Valley of Fire. I think you would enjoy it! Also, there are so many beautiful hiking trails all over California. It's not just shopping centers and movie sets here. :) I hope you enjoyed your stay in the US!

If you are interested, here's my blog post about the state park I was talking about earlier:

Oh wow, that skate park looks stunning! I will definitely keep this in mind if I come back to Vegas.

wow what a nice trip you made. It's exactly what I want to do with my family in year 2019. See my blog I hope that steemit community help me to get there.

That looks like a really interesting route! Do you have any specific things you want to see?

Sounds like you had a pretty cool experience! Nice writing :)

Thank you, it was really awesome!

In and out burger . NOM NOM NOM

Wow great read and awesome pictures! Although I am more interested in other continents, I also loved the coast of Florida and New York city, want to go back there some day for sure.
Keep it up and hope to see some more of those great pictures and travel blogs in the future!

Thank you, @matteroffact! I also want to see both Florida and NYC. Specifically Florida because my uncles have an apartment there, so they go a few times a year.

Thank you very much, once again :-)

Did you go for a shopping spree or to travel the US?
Can't really make out which.


Well, to elaborate, I prefer a relaxed vacation, and possibly a shopping spree on top, while my parents prefer a road trip-style experience, where you get up early and see a lot of different things and places. So I guess we compromised. :-)

Follow and Upvote us, we'll Follow and Upvote u too.

This post gave me motivation to do my own post about travels to Europe.

That's awesome to hear! Where did you go in Europe?

I flew into Brussels, stayed in Ghent with my step mom, took the train to Den Haag and stayed there mainly but also stopped in Amsterdam for the Drake concert, and Rotterdam for my birthday. Now I'm in Miami.

Wowzer! OMG It pulls a string on my heart beat seeing those in-and-out burgers!

That looks like a wonderful trip! Glad you added so many photos, they really help bring your trip to live, almost as if we were there with you. Well, not really, but we Steemians can dream, can't we, hehe 😆

I'm glad you liked it. Oh, we can dream, my friend. :D

Great pics and I upvoted.

Thank you!

Wow cool. So much effort. UV and followed :)

Thank you very much, @itinerantph :-)

Awesome story of wonderful tour powered by lovely photography :) worth upvote so did :)

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the upvote. :-)

Pleasure to interact. Keep in touch :)

Sweet dude!! Def gave you a follow. For someone so young as 18- traveling and starting your own groups is def a huge milestone! Next time you're on the westcoast check out some of the places i mentioned in my latest blog! Would appreciate if you gave me an upvote and follow

Thank you so much for the nice words, @itachi! :-)

Nice pictures! :)

Great tour to the beautiful cites of the states like San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon and Los Angeles...You have really enjoyed the trip... But we too enjoyed by Posting and sharing your journey story with us.... Photo shots are amazing...And the best recommendation by your cab driver of my favorite cheese burgers...

Thank you very much, @nazirkhyber!
I wish I could have some In-N-Out back home - it might be what I miss the most.. :-(


what an amazing road trip, and beautiful pictures. thanks for sharing ..

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)