The Travel Pro Trip: Part One - Becoming World Travel Pro

in travel •  2 months ago 

after a wild ride of trying to build up this very platform (Blurt), full of ups and downs; I've decided to take a back seat and get back to what I do best and that is writing and blogging.

One of the main reasons for restarting my blog in a serious manner is I've been impressed with the progress on the platform in recent months, especially with the hard work and effort from top witnesses and investors like @nalexadre, @agorise-witness, @khrom, @outofthematrix, @saboin, @ctime and @mariuszkarowski. Without the dedication and effort from these fine gentlemen Blurt would not be what it is today; nor would the price be stable and climbing like it has over recent months.

It's been almost 8 years since I've created the screen name World Travel Pro and joined Steemit in early 2017. Since then I've had incredible success and one of the most unique experiences of any blogger who's made a name for themselves. I went from a highly valued and highly paid member of the "sandbox" organization on steemit, garnering myself an income of as much as 20,000 USD a month near the height of 2017 crypto bull market.

I've also uncovered and publicized the most heinous activities happening on the Hive Blockchain which led me to being their #1 most down-voted account as well in an effort to silence me. From there I've gone on to becoming a major Blurt investor and top witness and the ride still continues.


It all began after 7 years of traveling the world as a young semi-retired 25 year old after building and selling a business in South Korea and investing in real-estate in Florida. I wanted to see the world, and I did. I traveled for pure pleasure, excitement, adventure, and above all else a real education of how the world works.

After many years of not building anything financially productive and just enjoying life I began to look for something online that could fill this void. I discovered Steemit through a google search. That led me down the path of what my new expertise really became; which was obviously traveling internationally while living within one's means, and strategies to do so.

After deciding to commit to giving blogging a try, I woke up the following morning in Medellin Colombia with the name World-Travel-Pro in my head. It had such a nice ring to it I immediately signed up and World Travel Pro was created.

Being new to blogging and the Steemit platform it was a bit of a struggle at first, but soon some whales noticed my unique style of travel blogging and started up-voting me and promoting me to the platform at large. What clearly set me apart from other travel bloggers is that I made sure to be as real as possible. My blog was about the good the bad and the ugly of places I visited and the travel lifestyle in general.

Many blogs usually just go into detail about how great a place is. I found that often misleading, fake, and boring. I came with a perspective of adventure, hard realities, and a true focus of how to make it happen on a budget; dismissing common misconception that you have to spend a lot of money to be able to explore this world of ours.

As time went on I really embraced my new identity as a successful travel blogger and it truly added a new, fun, and prideful element to my life as I continued traveling the world; as I still currently do and enjoy to this day.

As a top ten Blurt witness this series will also double as an AMA (ask me anything). So feel free to fire away in the comment section, and don't forget to support my witness on this very much up and coming platform. Thank you and have a great day!

-Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Note - Haters will be blocked immediately.

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Welcome back bro! Great posts as always!