Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Monterosso #18

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thank you all for your support :) I am happy you enjoy this travel report so much but I have to tell you: it is coming to an end soon. Not yet, though. This is the story of how we hiked to Monterosso, the last village in cinque terre.

This bridge reminded me of a dream that I had when I was a child. I wass walking over a bridge in the sunshine and it was all surrounded by shining colours and flowers, birds and sunlight. I do not even really know if it was a dream for I remember asking my parents again and again where that bridge was. They drove with me to different places close to my homevillage where they had been with me when I was a small child. But often I cried disappointed for they were not the magical bridge that I was looking for after my memory. Now this bridge here came pretty close to it because the place really had a sacred and silent athmosphere. But I missed the colourful birds and flowers of my dream still. But I am sure that one day I will get back to that bridge. Maybe after death ;)

People often ask me what my favorite colour is and I always say green and red. But for real all colours are beautiful ;D acab :D

Isn't this a magical little passway. Sometimes I got really exhausted while hiking but this kind of things can give you more energy than you had ever expected.

Fresh water streems are a blessing for all plants and animals. As we humans are animals too I think it is important to stay connected with the natural waters eventhough we have tapwater nowadays. A spring can provide you the most important resource for survival out there so we must save our enviroment of our own destructiveness to preserve our oportunity to go out on adventures in the natural world.

Some trees just have a magical look to them. This one I just had to photograph.

The path winds through the forest and back to the cost again. In such a surrounding, with the beautiful sea and all the vegetation you can learn some humbleness facing the great treasures of our planet.

Pictures like this one cause a longing for the sea in me. It has been a while, over a year, since I have been at the sea again and I miss its powerful presence.

This little fellow crossed our way, like hundrets of others but most of them where just to fast to take a shot.

The path went on, again back into the woods, surrounded by colourful wildflowers.

One last time we had to climb some stairs again. Then finally we had reached the top view.

These stones looked just fascinating to me. They were so huge and impressive.

Hiking in the sun is beautiful. You realize how much energy the light gives to your body and how good you sleep after a long hiking day.

This is the church of Monterosso. I invite you to have a closer look at some of the amazing arts ou can discover here.

In cinque terre there is a lot of figures of mother Mary. I think her story inspired a lot of great artworks all over the world but this one was one of the most remarkables I saw on this journey.

This figure is just great too. I can not imagine how much work it must be to create such a masterpiece.

This church organ looks fantastic. I bet the sound is incredibe eventhough I did not have the chance to listen to it.

Monterosso is a beautiful little town with lots of street musicians and nice markets. But it is a bit more crouded than the other villages and the mountains.

I love nectarines. The sweet flavor is the best after a long day hiking.

We took a train from Monterosso to go further north. The time of our journey was almost over. In my next post I will share with the places we saw on our way back to Berlin with you. I hope you enjoyed this post and if you missed the earlier parts of the yourney you can find them here:

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8
Saturnia -9
Talamone & Siena -10
Volterra -11
Livorno & Dalai Lama -12
Pisa -13
Riomaggiore -14
Manarola - 15
Hiking to Corniglia #16
Corniglia #17

Lots of Light and Love <3

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The greatest moment in the day is to see your post. You are my favorite steemian :)

Wow, thank you very much for the big compliment :) I am happy you enjoy my posts so much :) I put a lot of time and efforts in them <3

I am looking forward to seeing the next one :)

Beautiful travel report. Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Vielen Dank <3

Nice blogpost and pictures! We were in Cinque Terre in June, but it was just a one day stop on our way towards Pisa. We did go around from town to town with the train. Sadly we didn't have much time to hike around. Thanks for sharing this, now we know what we have missed hahaha.
Followed you :) We do travel vlogs on YouTube and would like to make some connections on Steemit! Please follow us back so we can be friends :) Looking forward for your posts

Is it what I think it is? Upped all your reasent posts ;) I love your art :)

Vielen Dank. Ihr Foto mit Frucht in der Hand brachte mich zum lächeln und Gesichtsausdruck erinnerte mich an das was in dem Link angegeben)
Спасибо большое. Ваше фото с фруктом в руке заставило меня улыбнуться и выражение лица напомнило мне то что указанно в ссылке)

This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lichtblick! For more information, click here!

Vielen Dank @lichtblick <3

Sehr gerne :-)

yes we are all happy and all photos ur travel are very nice u enjoyed it fully...have a nice day @yoganarchista

Thanks a lot for your support and your comment <3 <3 <3 Have a beautiful day too <3

Nice place, and that is interesting bridge :)

Yes, really magical ;)

i really wanna be there..

Me too ;D

i love you photos ! I follow you. Upvote me if you like my post. Thank you !

Thank you very much :) I will check out your blog now as well ;)

I've personally never liked hiking but this location makes we want to hike for some reason.

I have always been hiking with my grandparents when I was a little child and I loved it. Later, in my early teenieyears I did not like it so much but I discovered it again when I was 15 and since then I really love it <3

It's so amazing the Ligury and the post! (;

Thank you very much :)

wow yoganarchista.. !!! your post is really eye and heart catching.... i really like your post...

Thanks a lot <3

Lovely place for traveling.

It really is and the other places I visiteed at this journey as well :)

Good stuff, never really fancied going to Italy but you may convince me otherwise.

It is definatly worth to go there <3 So many beautiful places to discover!

congrats for ur trip and wonder full photos of wonder full places

Thank you very much ;) I am happy oyu enjoyed them :)

wao amazing places and you also looking very beautiful

Cheers :)


A very beautiful moment with a breathtaking view.The temperature of the air also looks very cool. And we can enjoy the holiday in such a beautiful place. I like the place ... your post is very interesting and I like your post. You look very beautiful also supported by a beautiful natural atmosphere. You are a great woman. I love @yoganarchista.

Beautiful place!

Nice travel pictures. Makes me want to visit sometime. Thanks for sharing.

these places are so beutiful. i hope someday to go. i like the good photographies
and we can share many things. good day

Such a detailed and colorful post:) do you plan on going back to Italy? It is part of my travel challenge going on right now :)

All l can say is you're story and photography is unique. Good post.

wow A great place!

Beautiful pictures from italy good job :)

Full 100% and resteemed :-)

Gorgeous photos. Happy travelling!

When I see all these pictures I just want to leave everything behind and go live in the woods. Glad you had a good time there in Monterosso :D