After 35 years of traveling on a budget and more than 300,000 kilometers on foot, he finally died in a strange land.

in travel •  6 years ago 

一般人的穷游都是按周、月计算的,但有一人却以数十年计算,突破常人的想象,被大家称为“天下第一疯”,走出了穷游界的楷模。(Traveling is a way of life that most people enjoy. Body and soul are always on the way.Even if there is no money, there will be a large number of people choose to go, for the mountains, for the water, but also for the heart of the wipe of freedom.The budget of average person is to press week, month computation, but one person is calculated with decades however, break through the imagination of average person, be called by everybody "the first crazy in the world", walked out of model of budget travel bound.)

他的一生让人敬佩、惊讶,也有很多不解。为什么要去穷游?为什么要用一辈子去做这样一件事,很多人都充满了疑惑。(Xie jianguang, a 24-year-old from ningbo, set out with a car in tow.Everyone thought he would be back soon, but who would have thought that he would be making this journey for 35 years, for the rest of his life.After a long illness on the road, the hiker stopped at heihe river in heilongjiang province in January 2018 and ended the journey dead.His life was admirable, surprising, and full of incomprehension.Why go on a budget?Why to spend a lifetime to do such a thing, many people are full of doubts.)

1959年出生的谢建光,没有赶上好时候。新中国刚成立,生活贫苦。谢建光读了5年书便匆匆告别了校园,在家里务农帮父母干活。17岁那年,在父母的安排下他像当地的老木匠拜师,学了个手艺。(Everyone in the world is waiting for a call.Xie jianguang is the latter.Xie jianguang, born in 1959, did not catch up.New China was just founded and lived in poverty.Xie jianguang read the book for five years to bid farewell to the campus in a hurry, in the home farming to help his parents work.At the age of 17, under the arrangement of his parents, he learned a craft from an old local carpenter.)

这样的想法日积月累,在24岁那年如火山喷涌而出,一发不可收。不顾家人的反对,他背了个包,带了150块钱就出发了。因为钱不多,一路上他都省吃俭用,经常捡些剩菜剩饭来吃,遇到有农田的地方,他就挖几个番薯马铃薯一顿煮,更多时候是住桥洞、睡街头。日月星为伴,微风徐来,这样的生活他也不觉得艰苦,反而别有一番滋味。(There is no condition to read books, also can not afford to buy books, little culture."But" read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles.This sentence in these more than ten years has been whipping him, he wants to read, he wants to know the outside world, he wants to go out to see.Such ideas accumulate over time, in the age of 24 years old such as a volcano gushing out, can not stop.Against the objections of his family, he set off with a bag and 150 yuan.Because he didn't have much money, he saved every penny along the way. He often picked up leftovers to eat. When he came across places with farmland, he would dig some sweet potatoes and cook them for a meal.The sun, the moon, the stars, the breeze, he did not feel hard life, but do not have a taste.)

坚持做一件事,总有理由。可能是因为有所收获,可能是为了心灵的安宁,也可能是单纯让你感觉到开心、快乐。(At the beginning is for the distance, want to know how big the world.But as he walked, he began to realize his own smallness.Seeing the beauty, he can only describe the beauty, he is so barren.He began to work while walking, using the money to buy books.Reading has become the only pleasure on the road, he will walk and stop to read.The more books he reads, the longer he walks, the more transparent his life will be.At first he planned to walk for a few months, a year at the most, until he said, "I want to walk until I can't."In the universe, feel another life.Keep doing one thing for a reason.It may be because of the harvest, it may be for the peace of mind, it may be simply let you feel happy, happy.)

就如他在书中所写那般“世界上没有一本比自己亲身体验更好的书了”。读书只是了解我们不曾经历过的知识,大多数人在进行浅肤的生活,而旅行则让他更明白人生的酸甜苦辣。(For xie jianguang, the 35 years on the road have been rich, full and regretless.Read ten thousand books, not as travel ten thousand miles;Travel thousands of miles, as read people countless;And he did.On the way, he not only completed the dream of reading, but also published his own book "crazy world", which recorded his journey in the past 30 years.At the same time, he also improved himself through reading, making friends, writing and thinking, and completed the transformation experience from a vagabond to a traveller, from an ordinary walker to a thinker.He is now the father of many fans.Much media coverage of him made him an outside celebrity.These are not enough to support him to do it for the rest of his life, reading home can do it, as for external vanity, can not support a lifetime.As he wrote in his book, "there is no better book in the world than the one I have experienced".Reading is only to understand the knowledge that we have never experienced, most people are in shallow life, and travel makes him more understand the ups and downs of life.)

他这一生都在追求自然、超我,不在意流言蜚语,世俗眼光。对他来说,真的是最好的方式了,在山河拥抱间,在落日余晖中,一直行走在路上。人活八十载,有多少人能像谢建光那样以自己喜欢的方式活,以自己喜欢的方式死?回首往事,不悔一生?(Everyone has a fantasy or one day to die in what form, the hospital?The patio chair slowly closes its eyes?Xie jianguang has also thought of such a problem: in a certain dusk, between sunset and sunset, between the two sand dunes in the desert, quietly and happily stop the heartbeat.In 2018, he left the world in his own way, sinking with the setting sun.A lot of people comment: this life is worth living.Yeah, this is the best place for him.He has spent his life pursuing nature, the superego, and not caring about gossip or worldly views.For him, it is really the best way, in the mountains and rivers embrace, in the sunset, has been walking on the road.People live for 80 years. How many people can live and die the way they like like xie jianguang?Looking back and not regretting your life?)

1996年6月8日,余纯顺为打破6月中旬不能走罗布泊的说法,只身闯入罗布泊。6月13日,沙尘暴猖獗,接应车辆担心余纯顺迷路,派人朝楼兰古城方向搜索了10多公里,未发现余纯顺踪影。(Most of them are outdoors. They are brave enough to pursue the life they want. Even though they know that 99% of the time they will never come back, they are still determined to move forward.Lop nor, known as the devil's den, is a thousand years old and full of dead bones.Countless explorers still chose to sacrifice their lives for their own.Yu chunshun, a Chinese explorer, has made the first solo trek across the sichuan, Tibet, Tibet, yunnan and Nepal highways to conquer the "world's third pole".On June 8, 1996, yu chunshun broke into lop nor in order to break the argument that he could not go there in the middle of June.On June 13, the sandstorm was rampant, the receiving vehicle worried that yu chunshun was lost, and sent people to search more than 10 kilometers in the direction of the ancient city of lolan, but no trace of yu chunshun was found)

最终6月17日,直升飞机在湖心岛以西11公里处发现余纯顺遗体。验尸报告称死亡为急性脱水,导致的全身衰竭而死亡。对于余纯顺来说,一生都为探险,这样的结局可能是最好的吧,为探险而死,也算不枉此生了。这也是人世间最奢侈的生活。活着的时候自己开心,死了也不负此生。恍惚间,我好像看见了夕阳下的黑河,有个人影拉着一辆车,越走越远。 (Finally, on June 17, helicopters found yu's body 11 kilometers west of the island in the middle of the lake.The coroner's report described the death as acute dehydration resulting from systemic failure.For yu chunshun, life for adventure, such a result may be the best, to die for adventure, also is not worth this life.It is also the most luxurious life in the world.When alive happy, dead also live up to this life.Trance, I seem to see the setting sun under the black river, a figure pulling a car, more and more far away.)

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