Grande Place in Brussels day/night =)

in travel •  7 years ago 

Hello Everybody!

Here in my "Belgium" thematics I am continuing to introduce You the most beautiful places in Brussels. On the photos you can see the heart of the city, impressive and very beautiful place -Grand Place!
I really think that it is one of the most beautiful squares in all the Europe!
Its "tower" was built in the 15th century. Every building has its own long history and legent.
Just look... its amazing!







p.s. when do you like this place more: in sunbeams in the morning or during magic evening in the purple colors?

with love,
Ms. J.

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I want to thank you and want to appreciate you for introducing these amazing pictures, i genuinely want to say that all these architectures are Unimaginable, just see those details on these architectures and in my opinion the ancient idea is included on these Architectures, i personally liked the chocolate architecture which have golden essence and it's reflecting as great Palace. Keep sharing breathtaking places with us.

Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you for your feedback =)

Welcome. 🙂

The colors kind of remind me of being on acid

The architectural designs of building are great in there. I hope you enjoy your time with these lovely views!

It was wonderful! Thanks!

hermosas fotografias de las arquitecturas es lugar es muy bonito

Hola @yule4ka
De verdad que todas estas construcciones son una espectacularidad.
Los colores purpura son una belleza.
Me encantaría visitar este lugar.
La Grand-Place es la plaza central de Bruselas. Es conocida por su riqueza ornamental, está rodeada por las casas de los gremios, el ayuntamiento y la Casa del Rey. Una de las más bellas plazas del mundo
Saludos y Gracias por el artículo.

I don`t understand spanish))