Beauties of Cuba: my ultimate photo collection of classic American cars

in travelfeed •  5 years ago  (edited)

Beauties of Cuba: my ultimate photo collection of classic American cars

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Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!

A bit more than 2 years ago, in the late 2017, I visited Cuba, a very special island country located in the Northern Caribbean. I have already published a bunch of posts dedicated to this trip here on my Steem blog and most of them included photos of classic American cars, one of the most iconic features of this extraordinary country.

Similarly to what I recently did with my iguana photos from Mexico, I wanted to have all those cool shots of the vintage cars in one place so I decided to compile another ultimate photo collection and post it here on my blog so that I can find it and access it easily anytime in future.

Some of the following pictures might be familiar to you as I have already featured them in some of my previous posts and contest entries but there are also many that haven´t been published anywhere yet.

If you are a fan of classic American cars, you better sit comfortably now because this is going to be a long ride :) From legendary old school Chevrolets and Dodges to shiny vintage Buicks, Pontiacs, Fords and much more, let me now show you 50 photos of classic American cars that I took in Cuba.



















































I hope you enjoyed this epic photo collection of vintage cars from Cuba. I knew the country was famous for these cars but when we arrived to Havana, I was really stunned by the sheer amount of these cool looking vehicles roaring around the city streets. What also fascinated me so much was the incredibly neat conditions in which the locals kept their cars, despite the ripe old age of the vehicles.

I am known to prefer natural sites to urban environment when exploring foreign places and taking photos but I must say I really enjoyed taking pictures of all those fancy cars, even though I am not into cars at all actually :) If you are, you should really consider visiting Cuba as soon as possible because this place a true heaven for car enthusiasts and I don´t know for how much longer the locals will be able to keep their four-wheel gems preserved so nicely.

This post was created by me for the Steem blockchain exclusively.


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Wow, what a pleasant surprise :) Thank you so much guys!


Havana, ooh na-na... ;))

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Wohooo thank you so much Donica and @blocktrades, you just made my day guys :)

Krásný článek s mnoha fotkami. Už jen kvůli těm krásným autům, jejichž si majitelé opravdu váží, stojí za to Kubu navštívit. :-)

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Přesně tak :) Ono jim ani nic jiného nezbývá, než si jich vážit a starat se o ně, protože na nové drtivá většina z místních prostě nemá...

Je to tak. Dřív si je nemohli koupit, teď můžou, ale stejně na ně většinou nemají. Tak si váží toho, co mají teď, aby dlouho vydrželo.

for you

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Oh wow, that´s a decent load of tokens :) Thank you.

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Wow...most awesome classic car collection. I love them all. Oldest once golden to recent generation because in this time we have to see Hybrid cars.
@tipu curate

Yeah, there is definitely something cool and attractive about these old vehicles, even for us who are not interested in cars :) Thanks for your feedback and the curation my friend, always appreciated :)

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 5/10 - need recharge?)

Thank you guys.

That's a superb post man! Absolutely love it! And it made me once more starving for going to this amazing country :D !

Thanks buddy, I am really happy to see such a great response to this post as picking, editing and uploading all those shots took me hours :D

Nice brother! But if you were me, you would have broke this up into about 10 different photo posts and milked this collage for all it's worth! HAHAHAHA

But seriously, very nice group of photos. Almost feel as if I just went to Cuba and woke up back here in Vietnam!

Best to you and Tammy!


Hahaha I know you would that! :D Know your sneaky tricks :D But like I said, I have already used some of those images in my previous posts and I just wanted to have all my of my best car shots in one place so I compiled this collection ;)

Thanks for your visit buddy. I hope you are having a great time in Vietnam. Are you still with Gabi?

I have to stop by your blog more often. Vietnam is cool. A bit crazy and dangerous, but that's kind of why we came here. And yes, I'm still with the lovely Gaby. She is a good girl!

Dangerous? Really? I thought Asia was pretty safe. At least much safer than Latin America :D Good to know you are still with Gabi :) Regards to her! Is she on Steem yet?

I meant the traffic here in Vietnam. I should have been more specific. The traffic here is insane and very dangerous. But then again traveling on motorbike was our choice. Gaby is going to start steeming but she is having a bit of a hard time getting going. I can be a pretty big distraction! haha

Haha I believe you can :D Well, looking forward to her posts :) Cheers bud!

Barevný přehled lidského umu a starostlivosti :-)

To jsi vyjádřil moc hezky :) Jo takhle na dálku to vypadá úžasně, ale kdyby fotky dokázaly přenášet i smrad, to byste něco viděli. Teda cítili... :D

Doufám, že přenos "vůní" na dálku ještě hodně dlouho nikdo nevymyslí :-)


No, třeba takový přenos vůně jesenických lesů po jarním dešti bych si určitě líbit nechal, ale v tomto případě by to bylo opravdu spíš za trest :D Ostrava v inverzi je proti Havaně rozkvetlá louka :D

Nevím jak teď, ale před 40-ti lety (to jsem byl v Ostravě naposled) byly inverze velice husté a "voňavé" :-D

Já tam trávil pár inverzních měsíců před nějakými osmi lety a byl to docela masakr no :) Občas nebylo vidět ani na druhou stranu ulice :D

A to už tam skoro nic není. Karlínka je pryč, Vítkovice nejedou a z NHKG jsou trosky.

No před těmi pár lety ještě ve Vítkách něco jet muselo, protože jsme občas vídali z okna tím směrem hustý kouř a plameny šlehající až k nebi. Byly to celkem apokalyptické výjevy :D Značné množství smradu mají prý v Ostravě na svědomí stále také místní ropné laguny...

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Congratulations @phortun

Thank you guys :)

coffeea Lucky you @phortun here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

Wow great photos.
I took thousands of photos the last time I went but I lost the 4GB card they were on. The only phots I have from then were those taken with my ancient iPhone haha.

Sorry about that man... Losing a card with photos is every photographer´s nightmare :( Just happened to my sister during her trip to Uganda. She was very sad about it. We all were.

Actually, some ancient phones take decent shots. I even got some of the photos I took with an awfully old, unknown Chinese phone years ago accepted to ShutterStock :D

Wow, what a variety of old Cuban cars.

I wonder what Mr. Vrba would have to say about it :D ;)

HAHA, good one, show him:D


Great photo collection!

Thank you :) I am glad even girls can appreciate car photos :D

Hahaha... In this case yes because I only like old cars :)

I am not into cars at all but I find these old ones somehow beautiful too :)

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Fantastic collection of photos, I’m not into cars either, but they are really nice and I love the colours.

Thank you Tereza :) Excatly, these shiny oldtimers simply appeal to everyone. And yeah, Cuba is all about colors. Thanks for stopping by.

Congratulations @phortun! You received a sweet smile from TravelFeed. We love your work so keep up the good job. 😊

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@smeralda (TravelFeed team)

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Yay, thanks!! :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks, it´s almost 70 now :) More than the photos, which I didn´t really expect :) Thanks for the notice again.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

How awesome i love old school muscle cars that is like going back in a time capsule :))

Hahaha, being in Cuba feels like time traveling indeed :) Thanks for stopping by.

Enjoy the time capsule i did 👍

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