Visiting Beermoth, Manchester

in traveling •  7 years ago 

I am always, wherever I am, in search for a nice beer. You could say.. I am on a beer pilgrimage.
In Manchester, I have found my match and seen my dreams come true.
There was..a lot of beer. Good beer.
And I had to chose...ONE.
So difficult.

What a beautiful shot logo!
I found it by accident wandering on the streets. There was this mural of a kind on a wall and a few steps after it, voila: an entry to the shop itself! They call it a cellar...

It's a wall to wall beer place and a bearded dude that knows them all. That's the best part. I had a nice chat with him and maybe convinced him to bring some Romanian goodies in there. I hope he follow through.

I just tried to find a good fit for me. There were so many...

I am always impressed with how much care people put in designed the beer labels with craft beers. It's really cool and honestly, I chose mostly on what winks at me. Like this fella here:

Or maybe some coconut weirdness?

Honestly, I was in the mood for a more fruity HOPPY beer so I went with this.
Drank it with the focking QUEEN watching over me.
Felt nice.

If you're in Manchester, go here.

And as always, may your Saturday be Beerday.

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the dream is hold a bottle of beer and listening to tweenty one pilots at night in manchester

lmao that name cracked me up


Sunday night with a bottle of beer, is a very nice thing ...

The north of England really know how to do beer, or bitters as they like to call them. I think because its so cold up there they spend most of their free time sitting in warm pubs! Now you have to go for a long walk along Manchester canal to clear your head ;)

I don't know if I could drink a coconut beer.

I've never understood flavored beer, myself. For me, it's either blonde or dark (I don't know if they call it that in English, but you know what I mean)...I mean what's grapefruit beer like? :O
Does look like you had fun, though.

You tried to peak under her dress you naughty boy :))) I don't think you had only a bear if you had that idea :P

So far just loving Steemit for beer recos....I have never been to manchester, but when I do, at least I know a good spot to start out at!

Did they have any Ciuc?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Death By Coconut - it speaks to me. It says 'You have to try this before you die' quickly followed up with 'You'll probably regret it...but hey, at least you tried a coconut beer....'

I do enjoy a place where you're spoiled for beer choice.

So Beermoth was the name of the shop?! That sounds like a fantastic place, I'll have to check it out. Have you been to York?

I've had that Oskar Blues coconut beer. good stuff. Next time youre in the mood for beer on Saturday, join us at the #beersaturday category and submit an article just like this one (@detlev runs it) and lets reminisce about good beer together, all the time. I live in Los Angeles and I [try to] submit an in depth article about a local brewery every week (at the rate i'm going it'll take a few years to get through them all). Cheers!

Fantastic! :O I'd love one of these, cheers!!