in traveling •  6 years ago  (edited)


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(image source pretty.me)
Our planet is full of places the deepest
corners of the most forgotten regions of
this world that will fill your spirit
with all and leave you and wonder well I
thought that was a pretty badass opening
line but really traveling has become
more and more accessible over the past
few years thanks to the Internet and so
is finding interesting destinations to travel to, my name is Stowey Don Allen,
I'm a world travel writer
living at the moment in the greatest city on earth New
York in this post I'm going to list the
topmost incredible travel destinations
you will love to visit,I am not writing this post
off the internet like some travel writers do
all these places I've been to and
experienced firsthand I find new places
to travel through articles like this so
if you find this post interesting please upvote it ASP.
This is the top travel destinations that are of utmost interest as at the moment
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(image source dutyfreeaddict.com)

NO 1, is Norway, Norway is
hands-down the most beautiful
destination I have ever experienced
Norway is a Scandinavian country
encompassing vast mountains glaciers and
deep coastal fjords I recommend going in
early summer the days are long and warm
while the nights are cool in short if
you go far enough north the Sun doesn't
set at all and you can experience the
phenomenon known as the Midnight Sun at
12:30 in the morning assuming you go there in June
so it's almost the first day of summer
which is the longest day of the year I
haven't been sleeping the past two days
just because it doesn't get dark it's
always light out I mean if you look at the the
Sun just dips down low enough below the
horizon worth like a sunset for two
hours straight and then it pops right
back up at about two maybe one
forty-five real strange we're kind of
cool in Norway you can do everything
from climate-glacier to windsurfing on
the coast along with whitewater kayaking
back-breaking downhill cycling and of
course road trip for days.

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(image source traveller.com)
NO 2 is Bali now I know you're all thinking
everyone and their dog on Instagram has
been to Bali has taken photos has made
videos there but there's a good reason for that
Bali is truly a place to find yourself
there is an energy there unlike anywhere
else I've ever been in the world Bali is
an Indonesian island known for its
forested volcanic mountains iconic rice
paddies beaches and coral reefs one of
the coolest things is while in Bali you
can stay in a luxury villa for just
about twenty US dollars per night my
number one thing to do in Bali is buy or
rent a motorbike and explore the unknown
areas and the surrounding islands
whoa sometimes you gotta go on your own
ventures in full travel mode you
didn't even need to wear shoes oh my gosh, you can look
up north too and play with the monkeys
welcome to the monkey force in Ubud
what's he doing oh no that's the camera
you can't follow me I have to leave oh
no you can't grab that I'm sorry wake up
at sunrise and bathe under a waterfall
bokeh one-way ticket to Bali and just
let the journey happen, how I wish you were there.

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(image source pinterest)

NO 3, Is the MALDIVES , if you want to get lost at
the sea in the best way possible you need to
head to the Maldives, Maldives is a
tropical nation in the Indian Ocean
comprised of 26 ring-shaped atolls which
are made up of more than 1000 coral
islands it's known for its beaches and blue lagoons.
and extensive reefs now when you go to
the Maldives you have two options for
places to stay the first you pay a ton of money and you stay in a very nice all inclusive resort so we're taking the boat out to the four-season resort,we are grabbing some lunch, we might be able to explore the resort a little bit, just so we could film I guess the other side of staying in the Maldives, because it is very different golf carts all around that they are saying it is $10 thousand per night for the top room here, I think doing what we're doing on a boat is the best way to see the Maldives,The second is to travel with friends for higher surf boating and just do island hop, trust me there is nothing in the whole world like on a boat in the middle of an indian ocean,early september is a good time to visit the weather will be beautiful and the surf extremly fascinating and if you are not in the surfing you can always island hop you know hang out with some locals go free diving on one of the many reefs, can even find your own deserted island all to youself.

(image source monica volpin)

No 4, Japan, Japan is an island nation in the Pacific ocean with dense cities, mountainous nation parks and thousands of shrines and temples while traveling in Japan you can opt to stay in traditional Inns to fully immerse your self in the Japanese culture. There are some JapanesenInn With open -air hot spring bath which is a welcome addition, and the best way to get around is by bullet train which is never late or to hop on a quick flight to go catch a golf game, so lest you know , don't go to Japan without going to the market you the food has to be hands down the most interesting part in coming to Japan is there some food that you would never even imagine eating if you are from the USA or outside Asia, while Tokyo is an amazing City, you need to see the countryside mata shima and try and stay at a local fisherman's Inn, Then Imagine You wake up the next morning before sunrise and hike to the top of the hill to witness the begin of the day,then you go all the way south to zoo mommy island which is relatively unknown spot to most travellers and it is hoem to world class diving and some of the most remote untouched beaches on the planet.

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(image source pinterest)
NO 5, Bonaire, Bonaire is a fascinating Dutch island located 15 miles north of venezuela and part of the ABC island chain next to Ruba and curacao far below the hurricane bail, bond air has perfect weather almost year round , the most interesting to do on Bonaire is to scuba dive, if you catch my driff,you can scuba duve both in the day or for the daring scuba diving at night, where you will actually be joined by alot of interesting people, this place is super popular just because by the pillars that's where the fish hang out which is one of the most terrifying and exhilarating experience i have ever hard.Bonaire is home to some of the clearest blue waters on earth and has some of the most lively reefs that i have ever seen, you can free dive in the fresh water in the freshwater limestone cave network that runs below the island, just close your eyes and imagine the scenerio for just a second, and then take a dive to the pink salt pans in the south hop on a water taxi to Klein Bonaire, A Tiny uninhabited island right off the coast to do some snorkeling home to some of the bluest waters on earth, Bonaire is truly paradise ,()
(image source pinterest)

NO 6, New York City, New York is the Capital capital of the world an has been my favourite place to call home for some time now, any time of the year is actually the best time to visit New York, but if I had to choose I would pick early summer or late fall although there is no place like New York in the winter with a little snow on the ground, New York has something for everyone, it's a place where you come to make your dreame come true, trust me. You can go enjoy the sights like the Empire State Building the top of one World Trade then head down to Soho for some amazing food and shopping or take in central park, New York is my dream city any day any time. I think everyone should at least visit or live in New York even if it's just once in their lifetime.
()(image source Pinterest)

NO 7, We are talking Hawaii here, Hawaii is an isolated volcanic island chain in the central pacific ocean, its island are renowned for their rugged lanscapes of cliffs waterfalls and is truly one of the most incredible places I have been to hands-down the most astonishing experience of a life time while driving up to the summit of Haleakala on Maui and watching the sunset skies lit up, I was so amped on life right then do you hear that ? its absolutly quiet up there, there is no a breath of wind here , there is no single person around to hinder the senenic atmosphere you find yourself, I was totally at peace with myself driving the iconic road to Hana is must feel experience, make sure to leave very aerly to avoid all the tourist and stop for some banan bread along the way ,you'ill love them belief me, on the island Lanai ,then go horseback riding and off-roading on the backside of the island through the lush tropical rainforets ,finally on the the island of Oahu , hike to the top of diamond head at sunrise make friends with the locals and truly experience ancient Hawaiian tradition such as pounding and POI. Hawaii is that place that sticks out in your mind when some one ask you, wherebis the coolest place you have ever visited, i will sure say its HAWAII.

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

NO 6, New York City, New York is the Capital capital of the world an has been my favourite place to call home for some time now, any time of the year is actually the best time to visit New York, but if I had to chose I would pick early summer or late fall although there is no place like New York in the winter with a little snow on the ground, New York has something for everyone, it's a place where you come to make your dreame come true, trust me.
It should be to choose instead of to chose.

Thank you so much for pointing out that grammatical error, will do well to proread before posting next time, all the same am truly greatfull