Here you can also enjoy a drink with beer and drink in the beer spa.

in traveling •  7 years ago 

Publish Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2018 image You must have heard of beer beer enthusiasts, or have seen them, but today we are talking about some places where beer is used for bathing. ...

Granada, Spain

Open in Granada City, Spain, here's the first beer spa where buyers enjoy a beer while taking a bath in the beer tubs. Berries rich in antioxidants and vitamin B are also very good for your skin and hair. Beer spas are famous in Europe anyway and often people come here to relax and relax. Let's talk about some more beer spas.

Prague, Czech Republic

One such famous and most popular beer spa is the Spa beerland in Prague, Czech capital, Prague. A few minutes away from Charles Square, this beer spa gives its guests the opportunity to enjoy the famous Crusovice beer with the sessions of the sauna bath. One of its specialties is the artistic bath tub made from the oak present in the spa.

Harakov, Czech Republic

One such name is the only known name of Czech Republic's Harakov beer spa, this place has its own identity. To give full effect of the beer bath here, provide a mixture of 5 liters of light beer and 5 liters of dark beer with natural mountain water at a temperature of 36 degree.

By Prasant

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