Warts or folk, also known as grain, usually grow on the skin of the hands or feet, caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). It is not difficult to treat warts, but you should go to a dermatologist to determine if it is a wart.
If true warts, can be high salicylic acid. There are usually two types of products for treating warts: salicylic acid shoe pads or a concentrated salicylic acid solution for acne. Then remove the dead skin cells on the surface with a pumice stone or sandpaper. This takes about 12 weeks to get rid of "stubborn" warts. Or you can use topical imiquimod creams to help the body's immune system fight the wart virus.
In addition, cold-surgery or cryotherapy may also be used to treat warts if the above treatment fails. Chronic therapy for the treatment of warts is a technique that uses a very chilling chemical to freeze the warts, thereby destroying the skin cells and removing the warts. This is a common method of treating warts, which can be done at a doctor's office (nitrogen free). Freezing the skin of the wart will destroy the shelter, causing damaged skin cells, fungal warts and viruses to be destroyed. This treatment lasts only a few minutes and the results will be visible within 1-2 weeks.
To reduce the risk of warts, wear a slipper when you use a public bath or gym ... Along with that, you should use shoe and change socks often to keep your feet dry.
Regularly rub your feet with antibacterial soap. Do not wear shoes with someone who has warts.