Side Note On Criminals: Appendix A

in treatment •  7 years ago 

They sleep in late. Don't expect them to be awake when you come over one afternoon and find everyone is asleep. 

Pills: All pills are usually the property of one or more parties and ownership was transferred at one or more parties. Since criminal ownership doesn't match what is written on bottles, arguments are more common, even over more common pills.

Do not take pills that were owned by a criminal or that doesn't have your name on them. Do not take pills you know criminals like near them. Take only pills criminals never take for fun.

Do not let your pills melt in the sun in your car.

Just let the criminals eat your gummy vitamins.What sort of person wants to ensure criminals have bad health and diets?

They are out there. I promise.You could be married to one.And just realized it now.

Maria Rose Calhoun would never respond to that question in a way that was calm enough for you to understand. It is subjective and in two parts. That is about 3 too many things for her.

Maria isn't someone who would just take your pills. But as a criminal she loves drugs and plus knows other criminals who would love to chomp up all your drugs for fun after a drug deal switch er roo with Ms. Calhoun.

Criminals share drugs like copy paper.

There is no reason to be mad about it. That is what their parents did. To them it's fine.

Black mold: Watch for that!

Is it worth it to live with criminals so your rent is almost nothing and you buy all Putin Coin with your paycheck? The truth is nobody has any idea...but everyone loves to think and talk about it once they start...

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