Make sure that you do not affect the health of vitamins except the effect on aesthetics. The prevalence rate is about 1-2% of the population. Skin lesions are discolored skin spots, white, the size of spots varies from 1 cm to several cms. Spot discoloration often has irregular, irregularly shaped circles with healthy skin. The skin surface is smooth, no swelling, the hair on the skin is white, the white skin of the disease is consistent but sometimes patchy, whitish and often with skin color.
Rarely, there are some cases of discolored pigmentation that spread throughout the body. White spots can last long without change. A small percentage (15-25%) of cases may be self-healing, but the majority persist for a lifetime, in addition to no complications, except to cause aesthetic but not affect health. strong. There are many treatments available, but until now, medicine has not completely cured the disease. Treatments are usually based on the use of sun-inducing sunblocks combined with ultraviolet radiation or sunbathing. Melanocytes can be transplanted using topical steroid medications to reduce local immunity.
However, vitiligo is difficult to treat disease and when the decision to treat the drug must persist for a long time and may have some complications due to treatment. You should see a dermatologist, and the doctor will advise you on appropriate treatment.