Pohon Belimbing / Carambola tree / Bak Limeeng

in tree •  7 years ago  (edited)



This tree is named starfruit. He has many benefits among them, made sweets and kitchen spices. It tastes sour, and evocative. In the utilization processed traditionally by the mothers that support the family economy.

Pohon ini bernama belimbing. Dia banyak mempunyai manfaat diantaranya, dijadikan manisan dan bumbu dapur. Rasanya asam, dan menggugah selera. Dalam pemanfaatannya yang diolah secara tradisional oleh kaum ibu yang menunjang ekonomi keluarga.


In addition to processing for food and beverages, starfruit flowers can also cure sprue disease, by means of burning flowers.
Not only can heal the disease, the color and the shape of the flower is very unique.

Selain pengolahannya untuk makanan dan minuman, bunga belimbing juga dapat menyembuhkan penyakit sariawan, dengan cara mengoles bunganya.
Tidak hanya dapat menyembuhkan penyakit, warna dan bentuk bunganya pun sangat unik.



Carambola lives in the tropics, just like Indonesia. Tidah is just rich in taste, rich in color, and rich in soul. And I want to introduce the diversity of plants that exist in Indonesia to colleagues Steemit colleagues.

Belimbing hidup di daerah tropis, seperti halnya Indonesia. Tidah hanya kaya rasa, kaya warna, dan kaya jiwa. Dan saya ingin memperkenalkan keanekaragaman tumbuhan yang ada di Indonesia kepada rekan rekan Steemit.


Follow me @raihannur

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The flower reminds me of the flower we see pictured in fairy stories (in the West). The fruit does not look star shaped like some fruit I've seen.

How is it used in cooking? Is it used in chutney, for instance?

if you want to make a drink, can be fermented @arthur.grafo