In the Lotus Flower we observe 12 circles rotating around the center and forming one in the middle as a result, the seed of life doubled, whereas the flower of life is another ring of circles around the seed of life with the fruit of life ring of circles following the flower one, with the whole structure of the Metatron's cube containing 13 circles that are bordering with another without intersecting. It is possible that the Eternal Lotus Flower represents the Source of the Generative principle forming the magnetic torus field while the Flower of Life thus represents the electromagnetic radiation from Seed to Flower to Fruit of energy in form and motion.
"What does everyone think of this? So I recently discovered this information about the flower of life, and all metatronic geometry being created to deceive humanity. And that the real flower of life is called the eternal lotus flower and krystic geometry. And metatrons cube, containing all 5 platonic solids, making up the matrix that we are trying to break out of. This eternal lotus flower differs from the flower of life because of one key difference. The circles on the eternal lotus flower start from the center (source) and return to center. The circles on the flower of life are drawn based off the circle that came before it. As seen in these photos. And the same with fibonacci sequence being a deception and the real sequence is the krystic spiral. For the same reason. The fibonacci sequence is a sum of the 2 numbers that came before. Example. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13. The krystic spiral sequence is the sum of every number starting from the beginning. Example 0,1,1,2,4,8,16. The difference being the krystic sequence always returns to zero (source). While fibonacci (metatronic) does not and is based off of what came before. So basically metatronic geometry is parasitic and requires energy from what came before. Whole krystic geometry always gets energy from source." Via fb Sacred Geometry
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