The Old Dog Enters: Tree Tuesday Contest. Let's See Your Best Tree Hugging Photos! At Least 10 Steem in Prizes!

in treehuggers •  7 years ago  (edited)

Over the past 19 months I have written articles on and included pictures of magnificent trees. Whenever I can I like to get a picture of either myself or @lellabird60 hugging them. Not only does this give the photo scale but it's fun and therapeutic too!

Let's See Your Tree Hugging Photographs!

I'd like to create a gallery of Steemit's best Tree Hugging photographs. Not only will this be fun and continue to promote respect for nature but it will help in our redistribution of Steem and give more Steemers a chance at succeeding!

Here's my little contribution to the gallery of Tree Hugging Photos! I'll make a nice collage with the best photos that you send in!

Here's What We're Looking For!

  • Take a picture of you or a friend hugging a tree in order to give it scale!
  • Attach the photo to the comments below or make a post using the tag "treehuggers"
  • Minimum of 10 Steem in prizes!
  • You have until this post pays out to send in your photos.

That's it! A simple fun contest/project that anyone can take part in!

I hope that you'll have fun with this post "Tree Tuesday Contest. Let's See Your Best Tree Hugging Photos!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!

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Hi, @kus-knee! I was visiting my father today. Right next to his house there is a small forest, with river included. There we find this great old tree called "Merecure". My father and I gave it this big hug.

I love this photograph. Thanks so much for sending it in and so nice to see father and daughter doing this together!

Thank you, that was a great moment!

Hi, @ kus-knee!
At the last minute I saw the contest. I left my job to despair and embrace a tree.
thanks for the contest I will do my postIMG-20180122-WA0101.jpg

Hahaha! Glad to hear this post inspired you to get you to go outside and hug a tree!!!
That's a beautiful tree that looks like so much fun to climb! Hehe 💗

So glad that you made it!!!!!

I had to go find a tree around my neighborhood to hug. Thanks to @trillex for helping out.

Great job. I love your photos!

Thank you! I enjoyed the experience.

You look so happy. I love the photo! Get some more Steemers to do the same! We need more trees!

I would try to convince my friends to join the contest.

Too bad I don't own this photo as I am sure it would win. Well, if "failed" hugs of trees were included too. I am just for the humor here, sir! The photo's not mine (Thank God lol).

Thanks for the laugh. It won't go in the gallery but it's a good fail!


Great contest. This is a picture I took in Moscow. The Kolomenskoye Museum Estate. At pictures of children hugging a tree. Far right is my daughter, she is now 18 years old. Her nickname on Steemit @molarity.
Изображение 026.jpg

That a very nice photo with wiponderful memories for you!

Beautiful group hug!!
What kind of tree is that? o:

Well, dear "Old Dog", here's another photographic challenge highly appealing to me. So, I just hatched a new post, the first since I was so sick over the passed week or so, and glad to find the inspiration to do so. Thanks to you, again.

Here's a link to the post, I hope you'll enjoy. I was wondering, should I also post the picture by itself here in the comment section as well or is the link to the article is enough? Here's both as it might be more appropriate...

"My Favourite TreeHugger in the WORLD!". photography by @eric-boucher IMG_3158.jpg

I hope you'll thoroughly enjoy, namaste :)

That's one massive tree! Are you sure that you've got the photo on your main post? It didn't load for me.

It takes a little while to load maybe, but it seems to be coming up.

And I found this!


Hello, friends, this is my participation. Obviously the person in the photo, it's not me, it's my sister who kindly wanted to pose. It is worth noting that this is my first participation in steemit.


Thanks so much for entering and it was great to see it as a family project!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My entry to your wonderful contest...

original pics


Lot's of love in this picture!

Upvote ResteemDSC06286.JPG

I love your pictures and the trees are amamzing but you're missing the hug. :)

Hahaha, the most essential ingredient! Spreading the LOVE! 💗😄💗

You're a magician. Just with one word from you, people around the world suddenly started to hug the trees.

Hahaha funny. I think people have been doing it for millenniums but now they can have fun and earn!

There is so many beautiful people hugging amazon, American, Canadian....trees, tree hugging tree, animals hugging tree and then there is my friend...

Hahahaha Good one! Gotta love Spidey!

This is great contest
100% like and resteem

Great pictures my friend! Thanks a lot!


I made a post for my first entry! Though I'll leave the picture I'm entering in the comment as well!

That's a major league hug!

I'm really glad you can appreciate it!!! 💗😄💗

🌲🌳🙈🐒🐵🙈🐒🐵🙈🙉🙊 Thank you! 🐵🙈🙉🙊🙈🐒🐵🙊🐒🌴🌲


Hello @kus-knee My little daughter and I like trees a lot, they recharge us with the best energies. This is her enjoying that energy and the next one is me in the same tree :) Greetings from Venezuela.

So cute and loving! Thanks!

Thanks! Blessings

Beautiful pictures and so much love!
Children always seem to be the most in tune and excited to connect with our divinely selfless tree friends from what I've seen! Especially when I invite them climbing with me! Hehe
PS; @kus-nee I have several entries that are going to make you trip out (with LOTS of LOVE I hope!!)! Hehehe!! Perhaps you can already imagine and deduce what they're going to be like from this comment! Hahaha! 😄

That's right, children are wise naturally!

You should check out @QiQi-Power and @Noki-Power!! They're the most bad ass little girls I have ever had the honor of playing and climbing trees with, and learning from!!💗😄💗

@kus-knee There I go as well...."hugging my tree" :D!!20883532_10203716877520572_179457654_o44.jpg

What a great picture of a happy tree hugger!

Thank you so much 😀😚

Thank you for your contests - make steemit more diverse. Here is my entry -


Very beautiful! Is that you're little child?

In the soul - we are all young children.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I’d like to share a picture of my son Dimitri. He loves nature and is teaching me so much about being present and appreciate the little things (

What a beautiful picture. What a joy it is to have our children!

He’s my biggest joy! That’s for sure :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @kus-knee!!!! There’s nothing better than hugging a tree, loose your Mind & find your Soul! So weird that I posted this picture without knowing about your contest... synchronicity.

Oh thanks so much for sharing it here!

Thank you for this amazing idea! It feels so good to see all these people hugging trees and enjoying nature!

Hi Friend! This is my entry for this interesting contest. She is my wife @kaizag hugging this tree: A Ceiba, near my father in law's house.


Fantastic. Thanks!

Hello @kus-knee!
Here is my entry:

Very good and a nice winter hug!

Very heart warming!

Wow I've never seen a heart-shaped tree before! Hahah that's so lovely!💗
Would you mind if I maybe use one of those pictures too?😄

This old cherry in our garden. We still do not dare to remove it, because it is very tasty and large berries on it. Too many memories she keeps. I wish you good luck and patience, @kus-knee!

Эта старая черешня в нашем саду. Мы все никак не решаемся ее убрать, потому что очень вкусные и крупные ягоды на ней. Слишком много воспоминаний она хранит.Я желаю вам удачи и терпения, @kus-knee!

You love the tree and it loves you!

I love the world that surrounds me). My family and all that I do)), Thank you for the evaluation!

You love the tree and it loves you!

My grandfather always said that trees listen and feel ... hugging them until they feel like our hearts come together is a magical experience because it is a moment in which we are one ...!Thank you @kus-knee for the invitation to remember things from the heart...

This is truly wonderful! Thanks so much!

Thanks a lot! Blessings!


Thanks! Blessings 🙏

Hi! This is one of my good friends in his garden in Ronco sopra Ascona

if you want you can visit also his garden :-))) this is his contact :
[email protected]

That is fabulous! I LOVE that tree!

It's 30 years that I know this palm, she's abouth 45 - 50 years old ;-)))

That is very cool. So you played around that tree as a child. Maybe you moved around some sand or did some finger painting!

Yes I played often there as child :-D And I was exactly knowing that one day I want to be an artist :-)))

That first picture of the tree is soooooooo big, really cool. Here are two trees i showed love for
The first is from the green tea fields in south korea and the second is from bohemian switzerland national park

Wow what a booster, he wants to be taller as all, and like standing on its own a real ego tripper. Love it!

Very nice Tree Hugging shot!

Wooooow!! How beautiful! Where is this????
I'd love to climb the tree in your second picture! 💗😄💗

Thanks, second one is from Bohemian Switzerland national park in Czech Republic.

Oooooo I've traveled a lot but not through Europe! Perhaps after I'm healed I'll get the opportunity to climb this beautiful tree and rock!! 💗😄💗
Thanks for the info!

Nice hug! Thanks!

I'm hugging the tree!

Good job! A nice cold weather hug!

Thank you! I hope it's not too late.

My wife loves tree hugging!


That's a beauty!

Thanks! The tree was nice too!!

she truly loves this...

You should join her in on the hugs!!💗
Hopefully she doesn't leave you for a tree! I see and feel lots of love going on in this picture!😜 Hehe!

Haha I think I'm safe there, I do join her sometimes, mostly just take photos of the tree hugging!

Hahahah good on you! I was only joking of course :)
Enjoy those tree-somes! 😜 Hehe!

Hi! I have always loved hugging trees! I believe they are spiritual beings and this one was amazing, I got my husband to take a photo of me hugging it! It was deep in a forest in Scotland, covered in moss it was such a great tree! - Verity

Love it! So Nice!

Thank you :)

wow nice shot loved it

Thank you so much!

After all, one of my friend helped me in this case :D He decided to hug a tree for me :D I don't know how many time he blamed me before that lol :D


That's a beauty! Is your friend on Steemit?

In the process of registering! It seems take more time now to Confirmation!


This one I will join for sure. Is that a real tree up to the left ?? That's insane - where is it ?

The first picture is in Tenerife.

More Pics of it

That's the coolest tree I ever saw - looks almost like a coral- that tree must have seen a lot in its life

So beautiful!!!!

And in your country grows a mammoth tree?

Hello @kus-knee thank you for promoting respect for nature. Here I send my photo from Venezuela hugging a tree.
foto def .jpg

Very nice. I'm sure that the tree appreciated it!

To climb a tree, you have to hug a tree.

True, and soooooo nice!

Very true!! Hahaha
That's why I'm still curious, would pictures at the tippy top of a tree count as hugging since they involved so much hugging to get there? Heheh.

It's really relaxing and reassuring (giving a feeling of safety) to breath the trees freshly produced oxygen deeply, and hugging them multiple times the higher you go!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Dear friend @kus-knee! Thanks to your competition, I found my old photos on which I hug the trees. And I saw in them an exclamation. Previously, I did not pay attention to them and thought that these are just pictures where I am near the trees. Now I see that this is not just pictures, but an original piece of art. Thank you for the competition! See my attachments in your contest. That's how I showed my creativity in my post for your contest #treehuggers:

Very nice. I UPVOTED your post as well!

Hello @kus-knee :) Since I can remember, this avocado tree has been in our backyard, and we've always enjoyed all the gifts it's given to us. However, I don't think anyone ever hugged it! So I did.

Just lovely!

Reading this morning about this interesting contest, I asked my parents to help me participate. Here my mother hugging the biggest tree in the neighborhood. A Ceiba.


I will be hugging a tree this week, and ask someone to take a picture. But I did want to share a tree I did not hug, because we were not allowed to come any closer, the call it the grandad from all trees, it is enormous, and such a rest giving place, although the thousands of tourist which come and look every time. You could just touch hands with 40 people around the trunk!

Wow amazing. I look forward to your hugging picture!

WOW! 40 People?!?!? I hope I can hug this tree some day too!!
Have you hugged this godly tree yet @kus-knee???

Hey. Although I do not hug a tree, but it's beautiful. This is Ukraine, Crimea, Partenit village, the territory of a military sanatorium.
image (1).jpg
Привет. Хотя я не обнимаю дерево, но оно красиво. Это Украина, Крым, поселок Партенит, территория военного санатория.

It is a pity that I did not hug him.

You can hug another tree. They all need love! :)

That is a very nice tree and worthy of admiration but we need a picture of a human hugging a tree. :)


I embrace the largest oak in the Dnieper, in Ukraine, which was planted by the Cossack. This oak tree is more than two hundred years old. Picture taken on 19/01/2018.

FANTASTIC! What a beautiful tree and a very nice hug! Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Thank you!!! It's nice to embrace such an oak on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

hello, friends, thin and small trees, they also deserve love. Here I leave you my evidence of hug.


I agree. Nice entry for our gallery!

Hello, @kus-knee!

Here is my entry:


Great thanks!

I was searching for the perfect tree and i couldn't find it but it was in my garden all along

Well done my friend!

Oh God, I think this is an amazing idea. I'm mountaineer, so I usually am surrounded by trees. Frequently, I hug them in order to receive some positive energy from nature. Can you believe I haven't any pic about it yet? Hope to do it soon. Grettings!

There's still time!


My photo from Sunday's walk in the woods with my Old Dog!

perfect and just in time!

Late but safe. This is my post for the challenge. Greetings from Venezuela.

Great, you forget to put an image here but I did it for you! Thanks for stopping by!

Reaching For The Heart
Yesterday in the park with my wife giving a little warmth to the heart tree!
hug _heart.JPG

That's great. Is it near where you live?

Yes its in our neighborhood park.

treeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpgmy big brother hugging tree

Fabuolous! I love it!

thanxs u love it mean its really special!

Hahahah! Just hugging? Or making love with the tree?? 💗😜💗

u can say making love with tree

Love between trees

A very nice photo but there is no human being in it.

WOW! What a beautiful tree hug!!! 💗😄💗

This photo is 7 1/2 years old, but I scoured my FB for it because I like it. :) We're in the mountains (in Colorado), near lake Dillon, I think.

Very cute picture. Thanks!

I like this theme - what fun!

Will you be sending a picture? I hope so!

I have pictures of my favourite trees but none of me hugging them :(
I will try better next time!

OK we need more artists here!

Haha this looks like a great contest @kus-knee ! Got to love the Tree Huggers !! we used to get quite a few around here that also liked to chain themselves to the trees so the loggers wouldnt cut them down , they were also called Tree Huggers ! lol! I I will try to get in on this one , looks like a lot of fun my friend ! STEEM ON !!✌👍😂💕🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳

OK great! Lot's of trees in Beautiful British Columbia!

Yes for sure thanks @kus-knee , the saw mills keep a lot employed when all the forests are not burning down every summer ! I just put a Post up in the Tree Tuesday Tag for the first time , if you get a chance to check it out ! Good Night !🌲🌳👍👍👍💕

wow..i too wanna join in :)


I like the picture but where's the hug?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We have hugged them from our hearts.Actually that was taken after going to an environmental project.We have hugged them from our hearts and we are the lovers of nature. Hope you would understand what I am trying to insist.You just asked for a picture hugging the trees.For me hugging is not just physical thing.It is a spiritual feeling coming from the core of our hearts
ps-We all can hug the trees physically.But not all can hug them from their hearts.Once they have hugged them,they would not go against it :)

Hmmm are you convincing me!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do not take it in the bad way.I was just trying to explain.Hope you are not mad with me now

Of course not @nishaopt! I enjoyed and appreciated your comment!

That is a relief then

I have a beautiful print somewhere of an ancient Tasmanian old growth forest, and a darling friend. It is 4am, I will dig it out at a sane hour.

OK great! Or alternatively walk outside and hug the first tree that you see, get a friend to snap a pic and your good to go!

My word! Those are 4 really huge trees!!! Don't think I've ever seen trees that huge ever before, well except in movies.

Yes indeed but small trees need love too!

Uhmmm... Never really thought of giving a tree a hug. Will give it a try. Twould probably feel weird though.

It's called having fun! :)

All the tree's appreciate our love! It's time to stop taking their endless selflessness for granted! They produce SO MUCH FOR US TO TAKE AS WE NEED, yet unfortunately lots of people aren't even aware of, much less grateful for, the most essential thing they do for our survival, which is allowing us to BREATH!!! 💗💗😄💗💗

It's a nice picture and an impressive tree but I don't see a hug! :)

It is one type of hug!!

He didn't want to get his white shirt dirty!! 😜
Hahaha, just kidding, but that tree looks like an awesomely fun beautiful playground!! 💗

Haha, that is a fun one - I actually have to do one shoot for that - hope tomorrow or has to be today @kus-knee ?

You have a whole week!

great, that is doable!

My grandmother has always said to me that tree hugging gives you energy and that nature gives you energy

That may very well be true. Lots of things we don't fully understand. Are you sending a picture of an energized you?

Yes i will send a picture with a tree i am just looking for the best one

Excellent slogan dear friend @ kus-knee, I have some pictures of my wife and my granddaughter hugging a tree, has a background story I will prepare the post to contribute your invitation.
I wish you a wonderful day dear friend

OK great. make sure to put the photo here as well so that I don't miss it!

My favorite bonsai tree, a 4th anniversary wedding gift!



Kids need to taught that it's ok to hug trees and thank them for growing so big.

My granddaughter hugging an oak near my house.


Just perfect. Thanks!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great contest!! Since I’m back in Canada now after 2 days in a plane I will probably start being active in a couple of days because I’m extremely tried!! I might even need to take a day or two off from school!!

Glad you got home safe. You've still got plenty of time so get some rest. What about school? Did they include your trip as par of your curriculum? Are you doing home schooling?

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great contest. My Selection.IMG_0233.JPG

It's a fabulous tree and I love it but there's no human hugging it! :)

Hi @kus-knee
I went to walk my dog ​​and while playing in the park I decided to hug the tree. Greetings from Venezuela

foto def.jpg

That is very it!


jajajajajajaja! Literal; te enrollaste! No es abrazo! jajajajajajajajaja! sabes lo que significa?

Here's my entry (and I didn't break any rules I could see!)

OldDogTreeHugold computer pics 400.JPG


Is that tree totem still connected to the ground as a stump carving???! O:

No, I don't think so.

Ahhha, it looked possible! Haha! That would've been an epic transformation!!
From stump to totem! Hehe

I love the picture but there's no hug! :)

until when can I send it?

You have until next Tuesday!

Here is my contribution to the slogan embrace of the tree, has a funny story behind, thank you very much dear friend @ kus-knee for these fun slogans
I wish you a great day

Thanks for this lovey collage!

Hi...what a great idea 🤗 I love it 😍
Actually I should have a picture too....but it takes time until could find it😅
Thanks for sharing this Pictures 👍

OK great! Or alternatively walk outside and hug the first tree that you see, get a friend to snap a pic and your good to go!

I have just one simple tree.

We need to see a hug for the gallery!

I like your contests. Do you know why? Because they are not complex and original. They are dominated by the art and imagination of the participant. Thus, you influence the spirit and imagination of followers or just chitateles of your special posts! I think I will have time to take a photo of my tree.

Мне нравятся ваши конкурсы. Знаете почему? Потому что они не сложные и оригинальные. В них преобладает искусство и фантазия участника. Тем самым вы влияете на дух и воображение последователей или просто читатетлей ваших особенных постов! Думаю, я успею сделать фото своего дерева.

I'm looking forward to your picture!

I have to join this contest :)


Very nice. Thanks so much!

Hi there. I love the photo but did you take it?

amazing post,,,

Hi, I took this photo of this very strange and beautiful tree in a park in Brisbane, Australia.

Townsville 006.jpg

I'm pretty sure they are two trees. Or a tree and a vine. So beautiful, the vine is hugging too, (strangling the tree), but they manage to do it in harmony.

That is a very nice tree and worthy of admiration but we need a picture of a human hugging a tree. :)

This picture is not by me
but for old dog.

I love your photo it's cute. I can't really put it in the gallery without a photo credit tough!



This is my hugs

I love the pictures. Did you or a friend take them?

a lovely smile depicting love for the trees

This is a beauty! So touching!

I found this so I wasn't sure if the picture was yours.


Let's make a community and take a pledge that we will plant a new tree on every new year.... This will surely help our ecosystem am i right @kus-knee!!

And fruit and nut trees on the streets, so everyone can pick the fruits.

Nice contest, good prize and amazing pictures!

Aren't those weird? Hugging a tree wearing steemit t-shirt??

I wear Steem gear whenever possible!

I ll definitely upload one

Thank you. This photo shared this photo is very nice. This is an awesome photo, and you're really a good photographer.

opps i didnt got that but really nice to see such competetions on steemit!

Just go outside, find a tree , hug it and get a friend to take a picture!

Really interesting contest @kuss-knee!
This sounds like a contest I want to be a part of... Okay now I go tree hunting!!😎

there is no friend in this world is as good as trees.So I like your post

Great post buddy :)



Let us spread the love of nature through tree hugging, certainly i will join this contest one tree one hug equals treehuggers! Thanks....

i dont have any tries ..i lose i guess

Wow great contest, hope to join. Thanks for the opportunity.

@kus-knee sir...
Actualy I'm hope participate this contest tommorow...

I look forward to it!

Wow thats amazing! They really deserve hugs :) Nature is great! Thank you for sharing :)

I would love to join in with this one, though at -10c it is so cold I might get stuck to the tree, so I will wait for the next competition. :-)

treehuggers, nice concept. I like this.