📷 "Awesome Willow Behind The Church" #treetuesday 📷

in treetuesday •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello dear Steemians

Tree With A Huge Tribe

For todays    #treetuesday  by @old-guys-photos, I show you a huge willow tree which is located behind a beautiful church.

Panasonic DMC-LX 100 without editing

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Great nature photography!

Meon absoluter Lieblingsbaum!! Wo ich wohne gibts einiges sehr schöne.

What a beauty... it must have been a faithful witness to the lives of many people who lived or passed by this place.

it seems beared like umbrella tree, great captured at middle of city.

This is a beautiful tree !!

leaves like a negro hair :P Beautiful :D

and the green algae on the trunk ......... Green is my favourite color by the way :)


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Willow trees are so majestic!! There is something so magical about them. We have a lot of them where we live, as we have a canal running past the front of our house. The only thing though, is that they are incredibly thirsty trees, so their root systems can be quite invasive. But still gorgeous nonetheless.

Lovely photos @lichtblick :)

Ein schöner alter Baum, finde es schön wenn man in der Stadt auch noch grün findet.

So great! I really like the pale green color of the foliage and green on the trunk. Because of this, the tree looks very colorful, harmonious and fabulous! As from forests from movie "the Lord of the rings.»

Hi...ein prachtvoller Baum und mittels deiner tollen Bilder gut rübergebracht 👍

Danke schön :-)

Wow, ein riesen großer Baum, mitten in einer Stadt, cool🤘 Hoffe er bleibt noch lange stehen😊

So beautiful tree.. Natures art work is always incredible..
How are you lichtblick?

Wow.. So beautiful tree, I like it
I like your post, thanks for sharing

Fabulous tree...Whole tree is green by alga...amazing....
Wonderful capture.. @lichtblick

That looks like weeping willow. I grew up with an old weeping willow tree and had a tree house in it as a kid. The tree was about 35 years old before it sadly was cut down. Thanks for the memory and lovely photograph @lichtblick

wow so beautiful!!!
how old she is??

Really it’s awesome... and different textures tree...

really so amazing photo of this beautiful tree.............always you capture best..........

Beautiful trees!!

Wow. Amazing pictures.

Each shot is very different and amazing so good to see this :)

Good job my friends