A Tree-mendous Tree Tuesday!!

in treetuesday •  7 years ago 

Welcome My Friends

To a Treemendous Tree Tuesday


Here are some fresh shots from this morning! Amazingly the sumac is holding on to last year's berries.

My neighbor has this tree.

I have no idea what kind it is, but I think it is cute.

It is not very big but has nice small flowers.

The skies here are still grey!!!

It rained today. And yesterday and etc....

This is the wettest, coolest Spring I can remember!

I hope your Tuesday has been even half as fun as mine!


I love this what I think to be a maple. It is so colorful.


Isnt it interesting?

I bet @dswigle or @haphazard-hstead or @ddschteinn might know!?!


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Lovely post - that looks like a maple leaf to me also!
We had a very cold spring and went straight to summer heat and it's only May 22nd!
Here's my post!

I have never seen a wetter Spring!

The flowers are really beautiful. Nice tree

Thank you!

So green and alive photos, thanks for the share and happy tuesday. Here's I've got for share a tree house.



Your tree does look like some kind of varigated maple. It is lovely! https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@melinda010100/tree-tuesday-aa01659b6504f


Watch that ivy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My treetuesday was indeed a lot of fun! We visited an old arboretum that was rediscovered (and renovated recently). Here's my link
and here's the image

Great shot - but is there something wrong with the link?
I think this one works better.

Hey thanks!
I was careless but I'll fix it!

You're welcome!
We are here to help each other :)

Nice one

Unnnnhh aren't you so nice ☺

We have so many maple trees in these parts. They are all just maple to me but yes I bet @haphazard-hstead would know ... I am forever wowed by her botany knowledge. Now you are telling me that @dswigle and @ddschtein are strong with the force too:) Steemit is a powerful universe:)

Here is my contribution to #treetuesday ...https://steemit.com/haiku/@prydefoltz/veiled-bride-haiku-and-tree-tuesday-photography-old-guy-photos

Oh yes, there are some real Jedi masters on here :)

Yep that's definitely a maple leaf. All we need now is some bacon and pancakes and we're set :)
The weather has been brilliant for over a week!
Here's a flooded tree to make you feel better :)


Your neighbor's tree looks like an elder


I had a sumac- it was the hardest thing to kill I ever saw!!! It was a Japanese or Chinese Sumac... I cut it down close to the ground and in a month is was sprouting. So I took an axe and chopped up the stump and poured kerosene and it sprouted again. I drilled holes about 6" deep and put gas in it and burned it... 2 months later it was sprouting again!

Wow! talk about tenacious!!! That is a great story!!

That thing just wouldn't die! I finally just gave up.

This is the wettest, coolest Spring I can remember

Sorry about that @old-guy-photos. We're having the opposite experience here.

I finally got around to making a Tree Tuesday post with some photographs I took over a month ago!

Better late then never I hope. 😊


I need some ideas on this tree. My post is done and dusted


I am going to look.

Not sure what kind you've got there.....could be a type of Norway Maple, but not sure sure.

Here's my tree post.

Thanks CG!!

I do not know exactly what this tree is with yellow flowers, but it looks like acacias.


Looks a bit as if it wants to tell us something ...


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here is my entry for this week - the biggest dead tree standing I've ever seen.

You can find my post here.

Cool, thanks!

Nice pictures, love the coloration on the maples!
My tree tuesday--

IMG_20180518_112208.jpgbe ready to be treeified 😂 for This gorgeous baby is Treederful !! Here is my entry guys ,I hope you all love it. This is my first treetuesday post. Am i excited? Yessssss, who doesn't like tress ☺ https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@ritaaugustin/my-first-treetuesday-post .Ps @old-guy-photos ur tree isbeautiful

Get ready to be swept away @old-guy-photos at my 2nd TreeTuesday post. Your pictures are really wonderful and I love each and everyone of them💖💯
This is my entry guys💃

Nice tree there ☺ really pretty

Hi there! I think it is a Maple. Here is our "tree-mendous" discovery this week:

I am going right now :)

that first tree is so cute indeed

my tree Tuesday was a wet one here ,but tomorrow is looking like a lovely day

here is my tree Tuesday shot for this week https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@tattoodjay/tree-tuesday-trees-in-the-city

We have been in a rain forest here!

Well I love rain forests more than rain cities lol

We have the same skies here in Los Angeles, it's been very overcast lately. Today, I featured a few interesting trees I saw over the weekend! https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@schmidthappens/tree-tuesday-my-weekend-finds

Very cool post!

Thanks for the upvote @schmidthappens. Much appreciated :)

Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Sun And Shine Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep some sought of maple tree Mr Paul...well hope your spring brightness up for you Mr :)))


Happy #TreeTuesday! I thought it was a sycamore maple tree earlier today, but, I may be wrong!

I didn't get to do a tree post, but, something almost as good! ;)

Next week, I promise!



WOW - is this real ?!?!

Yes. It is real, and grew at my garden

It's been overcast here too. It's my birthday today on tree tuesday! I couldn't have wished for a better day for it



This post was not only about the trees but the branches, leaves etc....hehe just kidding...

Good post...just recently I came across such a treed tuesday topic..I wish i have some cute snaps to participate...

Stay blessed

We do it every Tuesday, so feel free to jump in.

Ok.. Sure..

That sure is an interesting photo of the sumac with last years berries. : ) Sounds like we have the same weather as you. I know nature needs water, but it has gone overboard now. Here is a Flowering Dogwood Tree: https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@whatisnew/tree-tuesday-flowering-dogwood-tree

Is it a maple leaf you're holding there @old-guy-photos?
Just a wild guess ... now I need to prepare my #treetuesday entry :)

We have a lot of sumac trees we are trying to kill off. When left alone they spread and spread all over. It's been a huge challenge controlling them. Their roots grow deep. The berries are cool to see though and they can be pretty.

Green is always welcome :)
Lovely tree!

Awesome post! I was like a bit late posting mine but did it last night, then totally forgot to drop the link here. But here it is https://steemit.com/treetuesday/@topkpop/which-ones-are-in-your-nature-backyard-join-me-with-my-tree-tuesday-post-here-in-florida finally got to do it 😀 thanks for the fun tree challenge. 😀

Happy Tree Tuesday 🍂 Everyone

Some Late Trees for @old-guy-photos :-)
Love the variegated maple, hope it's not from lack of sun?
Quite a bit of rain up here also, bring on the sun! ☀

So, I am dropping this here but feel free to disregard. I had another one with a nice little write-up and it decided to disappear. Oh well. And I kind of thought this one wasn't going to make it either... so, not my best.


Do you harvest the sumac? It’s a Persian spice. We eat it on rice and kabob. It’s a favorite of my son’s.

I am so happy to see all of the beautiful trees in bloom by you! :D

I'm late in posting it here but I did have my #treetuesday up on time. :P https://steemit.com/blog/@debralee/stuff-and-things

Here was my Tree tuesday entry Thank You for hosting this contest

That sure looks like a maple to me. A really nice variegated horticultural variety. With all that rain, I bet you have a great spring mushroom season! And the fishing is probably pretty good, too. And then the mosquitoes will be great! ; )