So I saw your post @whatbitcoindid and I don't think your responsible for what the interviewee says.
Simply because what happens if they do or say something the community doesn't like after your interviews.
Unless your promoting your podcast as a vehicle for journalism. I don't see why you have to cross the Ts n dot the Is of everyone the guest(s) says.
#TrekkenCryptos2Connect #trekkencryptos #iamtrekk #holahola #bmorepodcaster #baltimorepodcast #cryptocommunity #podcastscommunity #realtalkcryptolife #realtalkrealthoughts #interviewee #justme #crossthetsanddottheis #freespeech #notresponsible #my2cent #my2satoshis #WhatBitcoinDid #cryptocommunity #share2steem #reallylatepost