Am I Doing It Wrong?

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Having more introspective moments. This was based on a conversation I had.

I'm relearning my why and discovering new ones.

If you aren't having self reflective moments during you entrepreneurship journey, maybe your doing it wrong?

#TrekkenCryptos2Connect #TrekkenCryptos #hiimtrekk #realtalkcryptolife #realtalkrealthought #knowingmywhy #understandthewhy #thewhymatters #cryptocommunity #justme #myjourneytoentrepreneurship #traditionalworkforce #morethanayear #imdeadass #idonthavetheheadforit #share2steem #amidoingitwrong #maybeyourdoingitwrong #selfimprovement

#Selfreflection #havingintrospection


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