Peter Did It Again

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Shout outs and salute to Peter of @whatbitcoindid (sorry about the name) and Anthony Pomplaino. That was a great interview. Covering everything from how to start a podcast to aliens. This ep was filled with little insights.

Honsetly, something things I've thought of. But there was a whole bunch of things I didn't even get to yet or just wasnt on the radar.

Peter I'm constantly learning something new when listening to your show. From the guest(s) on the show to how you set up your ad promos. Keep up the great work.

Pomp, I follow you on Twitter. But never took the time to listen to you podcast. Yes I'm late to the party. But you have a new listener.

Again thanks for inspiring me to keep going with Trekken Cryptos 2 Connect. And to seek and understand my why(s) going forward.

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