1000 Twitter Followers, Really?

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So not sure what I did. But it seems like my rambles make sense to X amount of people.

And as a result, I now have 1000 followers on Twitter. Not sure when it actually hit 1k.

I'm not naive enough to think all 1000 are real people. I know bots are a thing. Still interesting to see that happen.

But nonetheless, I'd like to say thanks for this who follow. And more thanks to those who engage with me.

#TrekkenCryptos2Connect #TrekkenCryptos #hiimtrekk #1000followers #imnottrendy #imnothoughtleader #1000twitterfollowers #cryptocommunity #cryptotwitter #blockchaincommunity #saturdaynight #nightpost #bmorepodcastor #notfake #fakefollowers #bots #realtalkcryptolife #realtalkrealthought #juatsayingthanks #justsaying #egometrics #share2steem #whocaresaboutnumbers


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