Is Mass Adoption Really A Good Thing For Cryptos?

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So I honestly forgot what I was watching that made me question this. I think it was something from @whatbitcoindid.

Point is, how do you reconcile the original idea of cryptos from a Cypherpunk perspective with what we see happening today.

People promoting and argueing that the core pillars of crypto don't matter. And in order to have mass adoption we need to go to the very gate guards the technology was created to get away from and ask for permission to be "free"? How doea that work?

#TrekkenCryptos2Connect #TrekkenCryptos #holahola #hiimtrekk #realtalkrealthought #cypherpunkconscienceus #realcryptolife #justmythoughts #anyoneelse $btc $eth #share2steem #massadoption $steem #askforpermission #cryptocommunity


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