SHFE - First OIL, next IRON ORE tradeable in Yuan....convertible to GOLD. Who's Your Daddy?

in trending •  7 years ago 

BRICS - Legitimate Asset-Backed Currency.jpg

BRICS sprang out of the desperate need for a 'New World Order' - no, not the kind that we've had for far too long...
The 'elite' who have secretly ruled the world from behind leaders with titles (President, Prime Minister, King, etc) have been holding on for dear life - as they watch all of their "accomplishments" slip out of their hands...all over the globe.

The next nail in their coffin is the irrelevance of their most prized creation 'the Petro-dollar'


The ROW (Rest of The World) has HAD ENOUGH of the many "terror attacks" perpetrated upon Humanity in defense of this phony fiat tool of mass enslavement.

Since the US's refusal to honor 2010 IMF voting agreements, time and again - a 'workaround' obviously became needed.
Ever try negotiating with a psychopath?

So, BRICS was formed which initially included ~ Brazil ~ Russia ~ India ~ China ~ South Africa
and now loosely include many other emerging markets such as Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and more - (there's strength in numbers) to jointly form the side of resistance against a small number of those who've taken control as of late - and wrecked havoc on the rest of us.
Together, they formed their own bank - the AIIB (the cabal has The World Bank, through the IMF)
And, the most important financial weapon 'The SWIFT' as used to institute criminal 'sanctions' has been made irrelevant by CIPS - the Cross Interbank Payment more threats from the bully US!!!

So while many countries have begun trading for oil using their own currencies, lately - bypassing the 40+ year requirement of first having to convert to US dollars (petro-dollar charges 'juice' %) and consequently but quietly making the dollar not so 'reserve' any longer....while simultaneously selling off their now unneeded treasury bond holdings these last few years....

Its now come for the time for a Global Currency Reset - whereby all participating countries are all ditching their worthless paper currencies for lawful legitimate exchange instead, through the use of asset-backed currencies.

First introduced through trade, the Yuan is starting to be used in ever-increasing frequency and will now offer the security of being immediately trade-able to gold - offering an even, fair and level playing field.

Here is a good page on the overall plan for the Yuan (except for #7 - LOL, smh)
But, to give you an idea of past successes
"Nickel was the last major commodity to be listed there in 2015; within six weeks, trading in Shanghai surpassed benchmark futures on the London Metal Exchange, or LME."

More detail about the Shanghai Futures Exchange, and the list of current commodities

And about that "IRON ORE"....
"China is preparing to open up its iron-ore futures trading to foreigners, a key step by the world’s biggest consumer of the commodity toward gaining greater sway over global pricing.

Right now, Chinese buyers don’t always get the best prices for iron ore partly because its locals-only Dalian Commodity Exchange doesn’t have pricing power outside the country.

The shift will mean that domestic and foreign investors will bid and trade on the same platform..."

Its ALL GOOD - as its about the RELEASE of SLAVERY for Humanity, and the greatest tool used


Stay tuned - @gloryb

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