Yuan/Oil/Gold = New 'RESERVE CURRENCY' - Goodbye US Petrodollar.

in trending •  7 years ago  (edited)

Since the time of using "money" as a means of conducting commerce, power has shifted - many times.
As is the case RIGHT NOW, although the reason for it in this case is pure benevolence.

China - Yuan.png

You might be starting to notice that nothing is as you might have thought it was.
That is correct.
The banksters have used "money" as the greatest tool of enslavement to ALL of Humanity - once they were able to remove any sense of reality (gold, 1971) from it. And, they've wrecked havoc upon the world to make sure the entire planet was 'playing'.


Those days are over - as the ROW (Rest of the World) has had enough of the parasitical psychopathic luciferian agenda, and have all come together (BRICS) to dethrone king dollar.

Not sure exactly how this will play out for us here in the 'Land of the Sheeples' with all the heavily fluoridated, medicated comatose Americans dwell - although its quite obvious that everyone is finally getting a good dose of Reality and will be able to know ALL of whats happened to them and their lineage through the ages by way of severe conditioning and brainwashing through so many venues - both electronic and social.
'School' 'Religion' 'TV' 'Radio' - the list goes on.


Because of the extreme amount of control a very few evil people have exerted over all, this "plan" has reigned - but no more.
The AWAKENING Process has finally gone past the tipping point, and reached Critical Mass.
This is the time we've been waiting for.

The new financial system has been being developed and implemented over the last few years, and totally bypasses the weapons of "sanctions" through SWIFT with CIPS.


The method of global enslavement through the IMF and the World Bank with the AIIB.
Massive amounts of hidden money in 'shadow banking' dark pools no more thanks to blockchain and quantum computing - the last piece of implementation as we rightfully now take our place as a 3rd world country with all of our outdated airports, and crumbling infrastructure to publicly declare it so

The Shanghai Exchange is now taking it's place as executor of the new preferred 'reserve currency'

"It is decided by SHFE that the main trading system will be switched to Zhangjiang Data Center. To complete the smooth switch, the Exchange will conduct two across-the-market test drills on January 13 and 27, 2018, respectively, and now therefore announce the relevant issues as follows:

I. As the first drill, this test will be held on January 13,2018..."


Not to be confused with the cabals hope of a "one-world currency" - the RMB is just a Reserve Currency

Fiat - RMB.jpg


1 - 2-27.jpg

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