Top 7 people who threw very expensive stuff in the garbage, they're still stupid

in tresor •  5 years ago 

Top 7 people who threw very expensive stuff in the garbage, they're still stupid


Sometimes we ask ourselves a lot of questions about our waste and how we sorts it. And then sometimes we just do shit and accidentally throw billions of dollars worth of treasures into the garbage and we're really pissed off. Because the garbage cans leave us, and once they're gone, we'll never get our hands on our precious waste again. And so many treasures were lost.

  • The 260-year-old Stradivarius violin forgotten on a car roof

It's 1967. David Margetts was then such a talented violinist that the University of Los Angeles California loaned him a Stradivarius of which only 600 copies remained in the world. This violin would have belonged to Napoleon and is now worth $800,000. In short, we didn't lend this violin to just anyone. But David Margetts didn't do much to honor this action since this jerk put the precious object on the roof of his car and then started, forgetting it. The violin was found on the side of the road by a woman who then offered it to her nephew who in turn bequeathed it to his wife Teresa Salvato after their divorce. However, the latter's professor recognized the violin. The chick then contacted the University of Los Angeles anonymously to tell them that she was the owner of the instrument. But she ended up getting arrested by the cops. It was then in 1994 and a lawsuit was held to determine whether or not Teresa had the right to keep him. In the end we bought it back for 1/70 of its value, which is already not too awful.

  • The million-dollar winning ticket found in a garbage can

An original story (which would almost lead to a heart attack). An 83-year-old man found a million-dollar winning ticket in a garbage can. Except another local man, Kevin Donovan, started saying it was his winning ticket. The proof: that very morning, he had bought all the lottery tickets from the tobacconist, so this ticket had to be his. However, the commission ruled that it was the possession of the ticket and not its purchase that determined the owner of the winnings. Anyway, Kevin Donovan died shortly after, and that's who settled the little affair. LOL

  • The €50,000 lottery winning ticket lost in a garbage can (OK it's less than a million, but nevertheless)

It takes place in Tarbes (France), the Brooklyn of the Hautes-Pyrénées as we say. The man with his head in the air therefore loses the precious piece of paper. Finally he throws it in the garbage by mistake. But don't worry, the man was married to a more clever wife than he was, who had the good idea of going through the garbage in the tobacco shop. So, who do you think won the €50,000?

  • A mattress thrown with a million dollars in it

It's happening in Israel. A woman bought her mother a new mattress and started throwing away the old one. Except that in the old carcass were nestled all the old lady's savings, $1,000,000. But the end of this story is less happy since the mattress has never been found... I wouldn't like to be that girl in face of her meter.

  • The Swedish treasure found in a trash bag

In July 2018, bad thieves had managed to steal 17th century Swedish jewels. But the weird thing is that the two crowns and the Globus cruciger were found abandoned in a park in a garbage bag. So we're trying to authenticate them. Since there was $7 million worth of it, we can say that the thieves must have been a little shamed a little bit. Even if in reality, it is more than complicated to resell this type of objects that are a little too recognizable.

  • The big stone that served as a doorstop was all rotten when it was a meteorite.

The mysterious owner who preferred to remain anonymous tells us that he had acquired this object in 1998. Struck by doubt, he had the idea of presenting the vulgar stone to a geologist. And indeed, this object would have been found in 1930 in Michigan but would be several billion years old and, by the way, valued at about $100,000. It's a lot of money for the doorstop.

  • $100,000 worth of jewelry found in a landfill site

It was just three rings and a bracelet. Nothing to panic about, that's true. But these few things were still worth a lot of money. That's why the chick got a little nervous when she saw that the garbage truck had just passed. It is not easy to find the priceless jewellery worth $100,000 in ten tons of crap. Well, believe it or not, the chick still found them with the help of five other people. Like what, we can throw the money in the garbage we may have a chance to find it... with some help, from (honnest) friends.

Source Pic : Here

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