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in trevonjb •  8 years ago 

WEB BOT WAS RIGHT webbot SAID it would go from $3000 right to $4000 and you wouldnt be able to even buy it for any price in between, and that was basicaly what happened! it went up so fast that most people DIDNt get a chance to buy!

It might corect down to $3500 or so but only for a short while becausepeople KNOW it will never come back down

People dont get that bitcoin is totally diferent than any other investment commodity in history period end of story

and its simply the electronic method the world has chosen to store value!

A stor of value ;ike this could never fully be counted up, we have SO much wealth on earth but its not accountd for inone central ledger like bitcoin 9which is decentralied ys but it ALSO has thsi effect of "cebntralizing" the INFORMATIOn about how much money is out there etc, and so when they start dumping the QUADRILLION or posibly multiple quadrillions of dollars worth of derivativs, we will start to see trillions in fiat cash dumped into bitcoin, then that DIGITAL money that DIGITAL derivativs digital dollars digital euroes it will all not ven have a CHANCE to be put i nto bitcoin!

noone will HONOR the big banks paper assets they lal collapse in value

We are the new financial elite, IF we can get our hands on at least 1 bitcoin

I cant ait to have as much as @trevvonjb and Id caution everyone to have a plan to escape and go off grid, or form groups for protection, build loyalty because all of this new MEGA wealth we willal have will attract a lot of butt hurt people who lost a lot of money by NOT investing in crypto

The lower level bankiers and finance brokers will feel CHEATED

Theyll claim the Bitcoin community SCAMD everyone


people NOT in crypto will loose everything once the stock market and dollar collapse IF they dont convert them BOTH to blockchain crypto currency,

And once the US dolalr and stock market are in crypto currency form, backed by a decentralized crypto currency that they can actually use, well, the clocks ticking, the lionger the powers that be wait to buy bitcoin and convrt everything to bitcoin, the MOE theyll have to loose whil attempting to CONVERT their worthl;ess assets to bitcoin

Funny how the Physical dollar bill is the Fake and the non physical non tangible Bitcoin is the REAL money now.....but look the global economic system is based on COMPUTERS and the INTERNET thats a FACT

You can argue that computers just ply a small role, but thats not true! Maybe GDP isnt mostly from the IT industry and e commerce, but more and more of the global GDOP IS coming from IUT and e commerce, and now crypto soon! when crypto currency market cap reaches 1 trillion then people will finally take notice and institutional investors will start to dump whole nation's savings into bitcoin

Why arent more people able to see the future like I am? It seems only me and you guys here on steemit and all the cool people know whats up! we have SEEN the numbers and stats and we KNOW that in order for bitcoin to be used asa global asset class, it will need to hve trillions in marketcap for thre to be enough money for everyone to use! The value of the BTC has to be pumped up and honestly nothing else exists like Bitcoin to be used as aglobal asset class.

Steem is inflationary and so I belive the inflationary federal reserve might like it! thats a stretch but i believe steem will have a HUGE role to play as the SILVER tio bitcoins Gold. Slver is not litcoin hhaha no way, Steem is silver to biutcoins gold for sure!

thats a bad comparison actually or analogy, because steem is more advanced thn bitcoin

i think steem will rise in price for MORE than just the fact that it a crypto currency but steem will rise in price because of the FUNCTIONALITY of steemit!

Facebook is worth like 200 billion dollars in wasn't always like that! So you see how social media can actually generate hundreds of billions of dollars? So dontw orry about tseem marketcap being only quarter of a billion, we will go from 300 million to 300 BILLION, a 1000x jump in marketcap and price! and steem will go from $1 to $1000 bcause of one word "ADVERTISING"

and i just realized, peopel who argue that steem will need ads .....they arent understanding how steemit already HAS ADS, people puty referal links in posts that have many followers!people PUT ads and PROMOTE products already! people get PAID to promote stuff!

if your a big company looking to advertise on steemit, ou simply have to buy steempoer! u can basically BUY the ability to send content to the top of steemit by BUYING steempower to UPVOTE your OWN post OR use a second account to upvote your own posts to make it seem like your not actually self voting or use multipel accounts and pretend to amas organic folloers
oh shit i am probly going to give some peopel some ideas but its fine better we figureout ways to comnbat this early than later!

ok so just imagine, its the future and steemit has more active users than reddit, because weve been taking them from reddit! now advertisers who peviously advertised on reddit are looking to buy ads on steemit! But think about THIS! Since thre ARE no advertising spacs on steemit, the adevrtyiser must actually buy STEEMPOWER because the only way to get your post to the top of the front page of steemit is to simply upvote it even if you have to self vote! its a garuntee though, and you COULD get flaged but for a second youd get your post to the top and if you made the post reespectful and tasteful, your not likely to get flagged

we ALSO have a benefit of simply having adsmixed in with user content, allowing ads to be treated with MUCH more seriousness! when we see ads in the designated ad section of Reddit or even in the "sponsored" section of facenook or reddit, we SE that its an ad, but with STEEMIt the adevrtisers WONt have to state they are an ad! their username of the official company brand might give it away, but theyll be able to get ALL the same eyeballs steemit has

And so anyon with steempower or steem will BNEFIT frm all these companies or advertisers wanting to buy steempower to take advantage of the massive userbase we will have!

So dont worry everyone! steem will make just as much fo a gain as bitcoin in the long run!

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Said it all already!

the correction is coming

wow, what an awesome comment!